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Microstructural Characterization of Materials 2nd Edition DAVID BRANDON AND WAYNE D. KAPLAN Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Microstructural Characterization of Materials 2nd Edition

Microstructural Characterization of Materials 2nd Edition DAVID BRANDON AND WAYNE D. KAPLAN Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Copyright Ó 2008

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Contents Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition

xi xiii

1 The Concept of Microstructure 1.1 Microstructural Features 1.1.1 Structure–Property Relationships 1.1.2 Microstructural Scale 1.1.3 Microstructural Parameters 1.2 Crystallography and Crystal Structure 1.2.1 Interatomic Bonding in Solids 1.2.2 Crystalline and Amorphous Phases 1.2.3 The Crystal Lattice Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems

1 7 7 10 19 24 25 30 30 42 46 46 51

2 Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 2.1 Scattering of Radiation by Crystals 2.1.1 The Laue Equations and Bragg’s Law 2.1.2 Allowed and Forbidden Reflections 2.2 Reciprocal Space 2.2.1 The Limiting Sphere Construction 2.2.2 Vector Representation of Bragg’s Law 2.2.3 The Reciprocal Lattice 2.3 X-Ray Diffraction Methods 2.3.1 The X-Ray Diffractometer 2.3.2 Powder Diffraction–Particles and Polycrystals 2.3.3 Single Crystal Laue Diffraction 2.3.4 Rotating Single Crystal Methods 2.4 Diffraction Analysis 2.4.1 Atomic Scattering Factors 2.4.2 Scattering by the Unit Cell 2.4.3 The Structure Factor in the Complex Plane 2.4.4 Interpretation of Diffracted Intensities 2.4.5 Errors and Assumptions 2.5 Electron Diffraction 2.5.1 Wave Properties of Electrons

55 56 56 59 60 60 61 61 63 67 73 76 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 90 91



2.5.2 Ring Patterns, Spot Patterns and Laue Zones 2.5.3 Kikuchi Patterns and Their Interpretation Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems 3 Optical Microscopy 3.1 Geometrical Optics 3.1.1 Optical Image Formation 3.1.2 Resolution in the Optical Microscope 3.1.3 Depth of Field and Depth of Focus 3.2 Construction of The Microscope 3.2.1 Light Sources and Condenser Systems 3.2.2 The Specimen Stage 3.2.3 Selection of Objective Lenses 3.2.4 Image Observation and Recording 3.3 Specimen Preparation 3.3.1 Sampling and Sectioning 3.3.2 Mounting and Grinding 3.3.3 Polishing and Etching Methods 3.4 Image Contrast 3.4.1 Reflection and Absorption of Light 3.4.2 Bright-Field and Dark-Field Image Contrast 3.4.3 Confocal Microscopy 3.4.4 Interference Contrast and Interference Microscopy 3.4.5 Optical Anisotropy and Polarized Light 3.4.6 Phase Contrast Microscopy 3.5 Working with Digital Images 3.5.1 Data Collection and The Optical System 3.5.2 Data Processing and Analysis 3.5.3 Data Storage and Presentation 3.5.4 Dynamic Range and Digital Storage 3.6 Resolution, Contrast and Image Interpretation Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems 4 Transmission Electron Microscopy 4.1 Basic Principles 4.1.1 Wave Properties of Electrons 4.1.2 Resolution Limitations and Lens Aberrations 4.1.3 Comparative Performance of Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy

94 96 98 103 103 114 123 125 125 130 133 134 134 136 136 139 143 143 144 145 148 149 150 152 152 157 163 165 165 165 166 167 170 171 173 173 176 179 185 185 187 192

Contents vii







Specimen Preparation 4.2.1 Mechanical Thinning 4.2.2 Electrochemical Thinning 4.2.3 Ion Milling 4.2.4 Sputter Coating and Carbon Coating 4.2.5 Replica Methods The Origin of Contrast 4.3.1 Mass–Thickness Contrast 4.3.2 Diffraction Contrast and Crystal Lattice Defects 4.3.3 Phase Contrast and Lattice Imaging Kinematic Interpretation of Diffraction Contrast 4.4.1 Kinematic Theory of Electron Diffraction 4.4.2 The Amplitude–Phase Diagram 4.4.3 Contrast From Lattice Defects 4.4.4 Stacking Faults and Anti-Phase Boundaries 4.4.5 Edge and Screw Dislocations 4.4.6 Point Dilatations and Coherency Strains Dynamic Diffraction and Absorption Effects 4.5.1 Stacking Faults Revisited 4.5.2 Quantitative Analysis of Contrast Lattice Imaging at High Resolution 4.6.1 The Lattice Image and the Contrast Transfer Function 4.6.2 Computer Simulation of Lattice Images 4.6.3 Lattice Image Interpretation Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems

5 Scanning Electron Microscopy 5.1 Components of The Scanning Electron Microscope 5.2 Electron Beam–Specimen Interactions 5.2.1 Beam-Focusing Conditions 5.2.2 Inelastic Scattering and Energy Losses 5.3 Electron Excitation of X-Rays 5.3.1 Characteristic X-Ray Images 5.4 Backscattered Electrons 5.4.1 Image Contrast in Backscattered Electron Images 5.5 Secondary Electron Emission 5.5.1 Factors Affecting Secondary Electron Emission 5.5.2 Secondary Electron Image Contrast 5.6 Alternative Imaging Modes 5.6.1 Cathodoluminescence 5.6.2 Electron Beam Induced Current 5.6.3 Orientation Imaging Microscopy

194 195 198 199 201 202 203 205 205 207 213 213 213 215 216 218 219 221 227 230 230 230 231 232 234 236 238 238 247 261 262 264 265 266 269 271 277 279 280 283 286 288 288 288 289





5.6.4 Electron Backscattered Diffraction Patterns 5.6.5 OIM Resolution and Sensitivity 5.6.6 Localized Preferred Orientation and Residual Stress Specimen Preparation and Topology 5.7.1 Sputter Coating and Contrast Enhancement 5.7.2 Fractography and Failure Analysis 5.7.3 Stereoscopic Imaging 5.7.4 Parallax Measurements Focused Ion Beam Microscopy 5.8.1 Principles of Operation and Microscope Construction 5.8.2 Ion Beam–Specimen Interactions 5.8.3 Dual-Beam FIB Systems 5.8.4 Machining and Deposition 5.8.5 TEM Specimen Preparation 5.8.6 Serial Sectioning Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems

289 291 292 294 295 295 298 298 301 302 304 306 306 310 314 315 318 318 326

6 Microanalysis in Electron Microscopy 6.1 X-Ray Microanalysis 6.1.1 Excitation of Characteristic X-Rays 6.1.2 Detection of Characteristic X-Rays 6.1.3 Quantitative Analysis of Composition 6.2 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy 6.2.1 The Electron Energy-Loss Spectrum 6.2.2 Limits of Detection and Resolution in EELS 6.2.3 Quantitative Electron Energy Loss Analysis 6.2.4 Near-Edge Fine Structure Information 6.2.5 Far-Edge Fine Structure Information 6.2.6 Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems

333 334 334 338 343 357 360 361 364 365 366 367 370 375 375 386

7 Scanning Probe Microscopy and Related Techniques 7.1 Surface Forces and Surface Morphology 7.1.1 Surface Forces and Their Origin 7.1.2 Surface Force Measurements 7.1.3 Surface Morphology: Atomic and Lattice Resolution 7.2 Scanning Probe Microscopes 7.2.1 Atomic Force Microscopy 7.2.2 Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy 7.3 Field-Ion Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography

391 392 392 396 397 400 403 410 413


7.3.1 Identifying Atoms by Field Evaporation 7.3.2 The Atom Probe and Atom Probe Tomography Summary Bibliography Problems


414 416 417 420 420

8 Chemical Analysis of Surface Composition 8.1 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 8.1.1 Depth Discrimination 8.1.2 Chemical Binding States 8.1.3 Instrumental Requirements 8.1.4 Applications 8.2 Auger Electron Spectroscopy 8.2.1 Spatial Resolution and Depth Discrimination 8.2.2 Recording and Presentation of Spectra 8.2.3 Identification of Chemical Binding States 8.2.4 Quantitative Auger Analysis 8.2.5 Depth Profiling 8.2.6 Auger Imaging 8.3 Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry 8.3.1 Sensitivity and Resolution 8.3.2 Calibration and Quantitative Analysis 8.3.3 SIMS Imaging Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems

423 424 426 428 429 431 431 433 434 435 436 437 438 440 442 444 445 446 448 448 453

9 Quantitative and Tomographic Analysis of Microstructure 9.1 Basic Stereological Concepts 9.1.1 Isotropy and Anisotropy 9.1.2 hom*ogeneity and Inhom*ogeneity 9.1.3 Sampling and Sectioning 9.1.4 Statistics and Probability 9.2 Accessible and Inaccessible Parameters 9.2.1 Accessible Parameters 9.2.2 Inaccessible Parameters 9.3 Optimizing Accuracy 9.3.1 Sample Size and Counting Time 9.3.2 Resolution and Detection Errors 9.3.3 Sample Thickness Corrections 9.3.4 Observer Bias 9.3.5 Dislocation Density Revisited 9.4 Automated Image Analysis 9.4.1 Digital Image Recording 9.4.2 Statistical Significance and Microstructural Relevance

457 458 459 461 463 466 467 468 476 481 483 485 487 489 490 491 494 495




Tomography and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction 9.5.1 Presentation of Tomographic Data 9.5.2 Methods of Serial Sectioning 9.5.3 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Summary Bibliography Worked Examples Problems

495 496 498 499 500 503 503 514

Appendices Appendix 1: Useful Equations Interplanar Spacings Unit Cell Volumes Interplanar Angles Direction Perpendicular to a Crystal Plane Hexagonal Unit Cells The Zone Axis of Two Planes in the Hexagonal System Appendix 2: Wavelengths Relativistic Electron Wavelengths X-Ray Wavelengths for Typical X-Ray Sources

517 517 517 518 518 519 520 521 521 521 521



Preface to the Second Edition The last decade has seen several major changes in the armoury of tools that are routinely available to the materials scientist and engineer for microstructural characterization. Some of these changes reflect continuous technological improvements in the collection, processing and recording of image data. Several other innovations have been both dramatic and unexpected, not least in the rapid acceptance these tools have gained in both the research and industrial development communities. The present text follows the guidelines laid down for the first edition, exploring the methodology of materials characterization under the three headings of crystal structure, microstructural morphology and microanalysis. One additional chapter has been added, on Scanning Probe Microscopy, a topic that, at the time that the first edition was written, was very much a subject for active research, but a long way from being commonly accessible in university and industrial laboratories. Today, atomic force and scanning tunnelling microscopy have found applications in fields as diverse as optronics and catalysis, friction and cosmetics. It has proved necessary to split the chapter on Electron Microscopy into two chapters, one on Transmission techniques, and the other on Scanning methods. These two expanded chapters reflect the dramatic improvements in the resolution available for lattice imaging in transmission, and the revolution in sampling and micro-machining associated with the introduction of the focused ion beam in scanning technology. The final chapter, on Quantitative Analysis, has also been expanded, to accommodate the rapid advances in three-dimensional reconstruction that now enable massive data sets to be assembled which include both chemical and crystallographic data embedded in a frame of reference given by microstructural morphology. Not least among the new innovations are orientation imaging microscopy, which allows the relative crystallographic orientations of the grains of a polycrystalline sample to be individually mapped, and atom probe tomography, in which the ions extracted from the surface of a sharp metallic needle are chemically identified and recorded in three dimensions. This last instrument is a long way from being widely available, but a number of laboratories do offer their services commercially, bringing three-dimensional analysis and characterization well below the nanometre range, surely the ultimate in microstructural characterization. It only remains to note the greatest difference between the present text and its predecessor: digital recording methods have all but replaced photography in every application that we have considered, and we have therefore included sections on digital recording, processing and analysis. This ‘digital revolution’ has crept up on us slowly, following the on-going improvements in the storage capacity and processing speed for computer hardware and software. Today, massive amounts of digital image data can be handled rapidly and reliably.


Preface to the Second Edition

At the same time, it is still up to the microscopist and the engineer to make the critical decisions associated with the selection of samples for characterization, the preparation of suitable sections and the choice of characterization methods. This task is just as difficult today as it always was in the past. Hopefully, this new text will help rather than confuse! Most of the data in this book are taken from work conducted in collaboration with our colleagues and students at the Technion. We wish to thank the following for their contributions: David Seidman, Rik Brydson, Igor Levin, Moshe Eizenberg, Arnon Siegmann, Menachem Bamberger, Michael Silverstein, Yaron Kauffmann, Christina Scheu, Gerhard Dehm, Ming Wei, Ludmilla Shepelev, Michal Avinun, George Levi, Amir Avishai, Tzipi Cohen, Mike Lieberthal, Oren Aharon, Hila Sadan, Mor Baram, Lior Miller, Adi Karpel, Miri Drozdov, Gali Gluzer, Mike Lieberthal, and Thangadurai Paramasivam. D.B. W.D.K.

Preface to the First Edition Most logical decisions rely on providing acceptable answers to precise questions, e.g. what, why and how? In the realm of scientific and technical investigation, the first question is typically what is the problem or what is the objective? This is then followed by a why question which attempts to pinpoint priorities, i.e. the urgency and importance of finding an acceptable answer. The third type of question, how is usually concerned with identifying means and methods, and the answers constitute an assessment of the available resources for resolving a problem or achieving an objective. The spectrum of problems arising in materials science and technology very often depends critically on providing adequate answers to these last two questions. The answers may take many forms, but when materials expertise is involved, they frequently include a need to characterize the internal microstructure of an engineering material. This book is an introduction to the expertise involved in assessing the microstructure of engineering materials and to the experimental methods which are available for this purpose. For this text to be meaningful, the reader should understand why the investigation of the internal structure of an engineering material is of interest and appreciate why the microstructural features of the material are so often of critical engineering importance, This text is intended to provide a basic grasp of both the methodology and the means available for deriving qualitative and quantitative microstructural information from a suitable sample. There are two ways of approaching materials characterization. The first of these is in terms of the engineering properties of materials, and reflects the need to know the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the material before we can design an engineering system or manufacture its components. The second form of characterization is that which concerns us in this book, namely the microstructural characterization of the material. In specifying the internal microstructure of an engineering material we include the chemistry, the crystallography and the structural morphology, with the term materials characterization being commonly taken to mean just this specification. Characterization in terms of the chemistry involves an identification of the chemical constituents of the material and an analysis of their relative abundance, that is a determination of the chemical composition and the distribution of the chemical elements within the material. In this present text, we consider methods which are available for investigating the chemistry on the microscopic scale, both within the bulk of the material and at the surface. Crystallography is the study of atomic order in the crystal structure. A crystallographic analysis serves to identify the phases which are present in the structure, and to describe the atomic packing of the various chemical elements within these phases. Most phases are highly ordered, so that they are crystalline phases in which the atoms are packed together in a well-ordered, regularly repeated array. Many solid phases possess no such long-range order, and their structure is said to be amorphous or glassy. Several


Preface to the First Edition

quasicrystalline phases have also been discovered in which classical long-range order is absent, but the material nevertheless possesses well-defined rotational symmetry. The microstructure of the material also includes those morphological features which are revealed by a microscopic examination of a suitably prepared specimen sample. A study of the microstructure may take place on many levels, and will be affected by various parameters associated with specimen preparation and the operation of the microscope, as well as by the methods of data reduction used to interpret results. Nevertheless, all microstructural studies have some features in common. They provide an image of the internal structure of the material in which the image contrast depends upon the interaction between the specimen and some incident radiation used to probe the sample morphology. The image is usually magnified, so that the region of the specimen being studied is small compared with the size of the specimen. Care must be exercised in interpreting results as being ‘typical’ of the bulk material. While the specimen is a threedimensional object, the image is (with few exceptions) a two-dimensional projection. Even a qualitative interpretation of the image requires an understanding of the spatial relationship between the two-dimensional imaged features and the three-dimensional morphology of the bulk specimen. Throughout this book we are concerned with the interpretation of the interaction between the probe and a sample prepared from a given material, and we limit the text to probes of X-rays, visible light or energetic electrons. In all cases, we include three stages of investigation, namely specimen preparation, image observation and recording, and the analysis and interpretation of recorded data. We will see that these three aspects of materials characterization interact: the microstructural morphology defines the phase boundaries, and the shape and dimensions of the grains or particles, the crystallography determines the phases present and the nature of the atomic packing within these phases, while the microchemistry correlates with both the crystallography of the phases and the microstructural morphology. This text is intended to demonstrate the versatility and the limitations of the more important laboratory tools available for microstructural characterization. It is not a compendium of all of the possible methods, but rather a teaching outline of the most useful methods commonly found in student laboratories, university research departments and industrial development divisions. Most of the data in this book are taken from work conducted in collaboration with our colleagues and students at the Technion. We wish to thank the following for their contributions: Moshe Eizenberg, Arnon Siegmann, Menachem Bamberger, Christina Scheu, Gerhard Dehm, Ming Wei, Ludmilla Shepelev, Michal Avinun, George Levi, Mike Lieberthal, and Oren Aharon. D.B. W.D.K.

1 The Concept of Microstructure This text provides a basic introduction to the most commonly used methods of microstructural characterization. It is intended for students of science and engineering whose course requirements (or curiosity) lead them to explore beyond the accepted causal connection between the engineering properties of materials and their microstructural features, and prompt them to ask how the microstructures of diverse materials are characterized in the laboratory. Most introductory textbooks for materials science and engineering emphasize that the processing route used to manufacture a component (shaping processes, thermal treatment, mechanical working, etc.) effectively determines the microstructural features (Figure 1.1). They note the interrelation between the microstructure and the chemical, physical, and/or mechanical properties of materials, developing expressions for the dependence of these properties on such microstructural concepts as grain size or precipitate volume fraction. What they do not usually do is to give details of either the methods used to identify microstructural features, or the analysis required to convert a microstructural observation into a parameter with some useful engineering significance. This book covers three aspects of microstructural characterization (Table 1.1). First, the different crystallographic phases which are present in the sample are identified. Secondly, the morphology of these phases (their size, shape and spatial distribution) are characterized. Finally, the local chemical composition and variations in chemical composition are determined. In all three cases we will explore the characterization of the microstructure at both the qualitative and the quantitative level. Thus, in terms of crystallography, we will be concerned not only with qualitative phase identification, but also with the elementary aspects of applied crystallography used to determine crystal structure, as well as with the quantitative determination of the volume fraction of each phase. As for the microstructure, we will introduce stereological relationships which are needed to convert a qualitative observation of morphological features, such as the individual grains seen in a cross-section, into a clearly defined microstructural parameter, the grain size. Similarly, we shall not be Microstructural Characterization of Materials - 2nd Edition 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

David Brandon and Wayne D. Kaplan


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 1.1 The microstructure of an engineering material is a result of its chemical composition and processing history. The microstructure determines the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of the material, and hence limits its engineering performance.

satisfied with the microanalytical identification of the chemical elements present in a specific microstructural feature, but rather we shall seek to determine the local chemical composition through microanalysis. Throughout the text we shall attempt to determine both the sensitivity of the methods described (the limits of detection) and their accuracy (the spatial or spectral resolution, or the concentration errors). In general terms, microstructural characterization is achieved by allowing some form of probe to interact with a carefully prepared specimen sample. The most commonly used probes are visible light, X-ray radiation and a high energy electron beam. These three types of probe, taken in the same order, form the basis for optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. Once the probe has interacted with the sample, the scattered or excited signal is collected and processed into a form where it can be interpreted, either qualitatively or quantitatively. Thus, in microscopy, a two-dimensional image of the specimen is obtained, while in microanalysis a spectrum is collected in which the signal intensity is recorded as a function of either its energy or wavelength. In diffraction the signal may be displayed as either a diffraction pattern or a diffraction spectrum. All the instrumentation that is used to characterize materials microstructure includes components that have five distinct functions (Figure 1.2). First, the probe is generated by a Table 1.1 On the qualitative level, microstructural characterization is concerned with the identification of the phases present, their morphology (size and shape), and the identification of the chemical constituents in each phase. At the quantitative level, it is possible to determine the atomic arrangements (applied crystallography), the spatial relationships between microstructural features (stereology), and the microchemical composition (microanalysis). Qualitative analysis Quantitative analysis

Phase identification

Microstructural morphology

Microchemical identification

Applied crystallography



The Concept of Microstructure


Figure 1.2 Microstructural characterization relies on the interaction of a material sample with a probe. The probe is usually visible light, X-rays or a beam of high energy electrons. The resultant signal must be collected and interpreted. If the signal is elastically scattered an image can be formed by an optical system. If the signal is inelastically scattered, or generated by secondary emission the image is formed by a scanning raster (as in a television monitor).

source that is filtered and collimated to provide a well-defined beam of known energy or wavelength. This probe beam then interacts with a prepared sample mounted on a suitable object stage. The signal generated by the interaction between the probe and the sample then passes through an optical system to reach the image plane, where the signal data are collected and stored. Finally, the stored data are read out, processed and recorded, either as a final image, or as diffraction data, or as a chemical record (for example, a composition map). The results then have to be interpreted! In all the methods of characterization which we shall discuss, two forms of interaction between the probe and the specimen occur (Figure 1.3): 1. Elastic scattering, which is responsible for the intensity peaks in X-ray diffraction spectra that are characteristic of the phases present and their orientation in the sample. Elastic scattering also leads to diffraction contrast in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), where it is directly related to the nature of the crystal lattice defects present in the sample (grain boundaries, dislocations and other microstructural features). 2. Inelastic scattering, in which the energy in the probe is degraded and partially converted into other forms of signal. In optical microscopy, microstructural features may be


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 1.3 An elastically scattered signal may be optically focused, to form an image in real space (the spatial distribution of microstructural features), or the scattering angles can be analysed from a diffraction pattern in reciprocal space (the angular distribution of the scattered signal). Inelastic scattering processes generate both an energy loss spectra, and secondary, excited signals, especially secondary electrons and characteristic X-rays.

revealed because they partially absorb some wavelengths of the ‘visible’ light that illuminates the specimen. Gold and copper have a characteristic colour because they absorb some of the shorter wavelengths (blue and green light) but reflect the longer wavelengths (red and yellow). The reflection is an elastic process while absorption is an inelastic process. In electron microscopy, the high energy electrons interacting with a specimen often lose energy in well-defined increments. These inelastic energy losses are then characteristic of the electron energy levels of the atoms in the sample, and the energy loss spectra can be analysed to identify the chemical composition of a region of the sample beneath the electron beam (the ‘probe’). Certain electron energy losses are accompanied by the emission of characteristic X-rays. These X-rays can also be analysed, by either energy dispersive or wavelength dispersive spectroscopy, to yield accurate information on the distribution of the chemical elements in the sample. Elastic scattering processes are characteristic of optical or electro-optical systems which form an image in real space (the three dimensions in which we live), but elastic scattering is also a characteristic of diffraction phenomena, which are commonly analysed in reciprocal space. Reciprocal space is used to represent the scattering angles that we record in real space (see below). In real space we are primarily concerned with the size, shape and spatial distribution of the features observed, but in reciprocal space it is the angle through which the signal is scattered by the sample and the intensity of this signal that are significant. These angles are inversely related to the size or separation of the features responsible for the characteristic intensity peaks observed in diffraction. The elastically scattered signals collected in optical imaging and diffraction are compared in Figure 1.4. In optical imaging we study the spatial distribution of features in the image plane, while in a diffraction pattern or diffraction spectrum we study the angular distribution of the signal scattered from the sample.

The Concept of Microstructure


(a) Object

Focused Image

Optical System Scattered Radiation (b)

Incident Radiation

Scattering Angle


Diffracted Radiation

Figure 1.4 Schematic representations of an optical image (a) and a diffraction pattern (b). In the former distances in the image are directly proportional to distances in the object, and the constant of proportionality is equal to the magnification. In the latter the scattering angle for the diffracted radiation is inversely proportional to the scale of the features in the object, so that distances in a diffraction pattern are inversely proportional to the separation of features in the object.

Inelastic scattering processes dominate the contrast in scanning electron imaging systems (as in a scanning electron microscope; Figure 1.5). In principle it is possible to detect either the loss spectra (the energy distribution in the original probe after it has interacted with the sample) or a secondary signal (the excited particles or photons generated by the probe as a result of inelastic interaction). Large numbers of secondary electrons are emitted when an energetic electron beam strikes a solid sample. It is the detection of this secondary electron signal that makes possible the very striking high resolution images of surface features that are characteristic of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In what follows we will assume that the student is familiar with those aspects of microstructure and crystallography that are commonly included in introductory courses in materials science and engineering: some knowledge of the Bravais lattices and the concept of crystal symmetry; microstructural concepts associated with polycrystals and polyphase materials (including the significance of microstructural inhom*ogeneity and anisotropy); and, finally, the thermodynamic basis of phase stability and phase equilibrium in polyphase materials. Throughout this book each chapter will conclude with results obtained from samples of three materials that are representative of a wide range of common engineering materials.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 1.5 A scanning image is formed by scanning a focused probe over the specimen and collecting a data signal from the sample. The signal is processed and displayed on a fluorescent screen with the same time-base as that used to scan the probe. The magnification is the ratio of the monitor screen size to the amplitude of the probe scan on the specimen. The signal may be secondary electrons, characteristic X-rays, or a wide variety of other excitation phenomena.

We will explore the information that can be obtained for these materials from each of the methods of microstructural characterization that we discuss. The materials we have selected are: . . .

a low alloy steel containing approximately 0.4% C; a dense, glass-containing alumina; a thin-film microelectronic device based on the Al/TiN/Ti system.

An engineering polymer or a structural composite could equally well have been selected for these examples. The principles of characterization would have been the same, even though the details of interpretation differed. Our choice of the methods of microstructural characterization that we describe is as arbitrary as our selection of these ‘typical’ materials. Any number of methods of investigation are used to characterize the microstructure of engineering materials, but this text is not a compendium of all known techniques. Instead we have chosen to limit ourselves to those established methods that are commonly found in a well-equipped industrial development department or university teaching laboratory. The methods selected include optical and electron microscopy (both scanning and transmission), X-ray and electron diffraction, and the commoner techniques of microanalysis (energy dispersive and wavelength dispersive X-ray analysis, Auger electron spectroscopy, X-ray photospectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy). We also discuss surface probe microscopy (SPM), including the atomic force microscope and the scanning tunnelling microscope, since one or more versions of

The Concept of Microstructure


this instrumentation are now commonly available. We also include a brief account of the remarkable chemical and spatial resolution that can be achieved by atom probe tomography, even though this equipment is certainly not commonly available at the time of writing. In each case a serious attempt is made to describe the physical principles of the method, clarify the experimental limitations, and explore the extent to which each technique can be used to yield quantitative information


Microstructural Features

When sectioned, polished and suitably etched, nearly all engineering materials will be found to exhibit structural features that are characteristic of the material. These features may be visible to the unaided eye, or they may require a low-powered optical microscope to reveal the detail. The finest sub-structure will only be visible in the electron microscope. Many of the properties of engineering solids are directly and sensitively related to the microstructural features of the material. Such properties are said to be structure sensitive. In such cases, the study of microstructure can reveal a direct causal relationship between a particular microstructural feature and a specific physical, chemical or engineering property. In what follows we shall explore some of these structure–property relationships and attempt to clarify further the meaning of the term microstructure. 1.1.1

Structure–Property Relationships

It is not enough to state that ‘materials characterization is important’, since it is usual to distinguish between those properties of a material that are structure-sensitive and those that are structure-insensitive. Examples of structure-insensitive properties are the elastic constants, which vary only slowly with composition or grain size. For example, there is little error involved in assuming that all steels have the same tensile (Young’s) modulus, irrespective of their composition. In fact the variation in the elastic modulus of structural materials with temperature (typically less than 10 %) exceeds that associated with alloy chemistry, grain size or degree of cold work. The thermal expansion coefficient is another example of a property which is less affected by variations in microstructural morphology than it is by composition, temperature or pressure. The same is true of the specific gravity (or density) of a solid material. In contrast, the yield strength, which is the stress that marks the onset of plastic flow in engineering alloys, is a sensitive function of several microstructural parameters: the grain size of the material, the dislocation density, and the distribution and volume fraction of second-phase particles. Thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity are also structuresensitive properties, and heat treating an alloy may have a large affect on its thermal and electrical conductivity. This is often because both the thermal and the electrical conductivity are drastically reduced by the presence of alloying elements in solid solution in the matrix. Perhaps the most striking example of a structure-sensitive property is the fracture toughness of an engineering material, which measures the ability of a structural material to inhibit crack propagation and prevent catastrophic brittle failure. Very small changes in


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

chemistry and highly localized grain boundary segregation (the migration of an impurity to the boundary, driven by a reduction in the boundary energy), may cause a catastrophic loss of ductility, reducing the fracture toughness by an order of magnitude. Although such segregation effects are indeed an example of extreme structure-sensitivity, they are also extremely difficult to detect, since the bulk impurity levels associated with segregation need only be of the order of 105 [10 parts per million (ppm)]. A classic example of a structure-sensitive property relation is the Petch equation, which relates an engineering property, the yield strength of a steel sy, to a microstructural feature, its grain size D, in terms of two material constants, s0 and ky: sy ¼ s0 þk y D1=2


This relation presupposes that we are able to determine the grain size of the material quantitatively and unambiguously. The meaning of the term grain size, is explored in more detail in Section The fracture surfaces of engineering components that have failed in service, as well as those of standard specimens that have failed in a tensile, creep or mechanical fatigue test, are frequently subjected to microscopic examination in order to characterize the microstructural mechanisms responsible for the fracture (a procedure which is termed fractography). In brittle, polycrystalline samples much of the fracture path often lies along specific lowindex crystallographic planes within the crystal lattices of the individual grains. Such fractures are said to be transgranular or cleavage failures. Since neighbouring grains have different orientations in space, the cleavage surfaces are forced to change direction at the grain boundaries. The line of intersection of the cleavage plane with the grain boundary in one grain is very unlikely to lie in an allowed cleavage plane within the second grain, so that cleavage failures in polycrystalline materials must either propagate on unfavourable crystal lattice planes, or else link up by intergranular grain boundary failure, which takes place at the grain boundaries between the cleavage cracks. A fractographic examination of the failure surface reveals the relative extent of intergranular and transgranular failure (Figure 1.6). By determining the three-dimensional nature of brittle crack propagation and its dependence on grain size or grain boundary chemistry we are able to explore critical aspects of the failure mechanism. Ductile failures are also three-dimensional. A tensile crack in a ductile material typically propagates by the nucleation of small cavities in a region of hydrostatic tensile stress that is generated ahead of the crack tip. The nucleation sites are often small, hard inclusions, either within the grains or at the grain boundaries, and the distribution of the cavities depends on the spatial distribution of these nucleating sites. The cavities grow by plastic shear at the root of the crack, until they join up to form a cellular, ridged surface, termed a dimpled fracture (Figure 1.7). The complex topology of this dimpled, ductile failure may not be immediately obvious from a two-dimensional micrograph of the fracture surface, and in fractography it is common practice to image the failure twice, tilting the sample between the recording of the two images. This process is equivalent to viewing the surface from two different points of view, and allows a rough surface to be viewed and analysed stereoscopically, in threedimensions. The third dimension is deduced from the changes in horizontal displacement for any two points that lie at different heights with respect to the plane of the primary image, a

The Concept of Microstructure


Figure 1.6 A scanning electron microscope image showing transgranular and intergranular brittle failure in a partially porous ceramic, aluminium oxynitride (AlON). In three dimensions some intergranular failure is always present, since transgranular failure occurs by cleavage on specific crystallographic planes.

Figure 1.7 Intergranular dimple rupture in a steel specimen resulting from microvoid coalescence at grain boundaries. From Victor Kerlins, Modes of Fracture, Metals Handbook Desk Edition, 2nd Edition, ASM International, 1998, in ASM Handbooks Online (http://www. asmmaterials.info), ASM International, 2004. Reprinted with permission of ASM International. All rights reserved.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 1.8 The principle of stereoscopic imaging. The left and right eyes see the world from two different positions, so that two points at different heights subtend different angular separations when viewed by the two eyes.

phenomenon termed parallax (Figure 1.8, see Section Our two eyes give us the same impression of depth when the brain superimposes the two views of the world which we receive from each eye separately. The scale of the microstructure determines many other mechanical properties, just as the grain size of a steel is related to its yield strength. The fracture strength of a brittle structural material sf is related to the fracture toughness Kc by the size c ofpthe ffiffiffi processing defects present in the material (cracks, inclusions or porosity), i.e. sf / Kc / c. The contribution of workhardening to the plastic flow stress (the stress required to continue plastic flow after plastic strain due to a stress increment above the yield stress, Dsy) depends on both the dislocation pffiffiffi density r and the elastic shear modulus G, i.e. Dsy / G r. Similarly, the effectiveness of precipitation hardening by a second phase (the increase in yield stress associated with the nucleation and growth of small second-phase particles, Dsp) is often determined by the average separation of the second phase precipitates L, through the relationship Dsp / G/L. 1.1.2

Microstructural Scale

Microstructure is a very general term used to cover a wide range of structural features, from those visible to the naked eye down to those corresponding to the interatomic distances in the crystal lattice. It is good practice to distinguish between macrostructure, mesostructure, microstructure and nanostructure.

The Concept of Microstructure 11

Macrostructure refers to those features which approach the scale of the engineering component and are either visible to the naked eye, or detectable by common methods of nondestructive evaluation (dye-penetrant testing, X-ray radiography, or ultrasonic testing). Examples include major processing defects such as large pores, foreign inclusions, or shrinkage cracks. Nondestructive evaluation and nondestructive testing are beyond the scope of this text. Mesostructure is a less common term, but is useful to describe those features that are on the borderline of the visible. This is particularly the case with the properties of composite materials, which are dominated by the size, shape, spatial distribution and volume fraction of the reinforcement, as well as by any cracking present at the reinforcement interface or within the matrix, or other forms of defect (gas bubbles or dewetting defects). The mesoscale is also important in adhesive bonding and other joining processes: the lateral dimensions of an adhesive or a brazed joint, for example, or the heat-affected zone (HAZ) adjacent to a fusion weld. Microstructure covers the scale of structural phenomena most commonly of concern to the materials scientist and engineers, namely grain and particle sizes, dislocation densities and particle volume fractions, microcracking and microporosity. Finally, the term nanostructure is restricted to sub-micrometre features: the width of grain boundaries, grain-boundary films and interfaces, the early nucleation stages of precipitation, regions of local ordering in amorphous (glassy) solids, and very small, nanoparticles whose properties are dominated by the atoms positioned at the particle surface. Quantum dots come into this category, as do the stable thin films often formed at boundaries, interfaces and free surfaces. Table 1.2 summarizes these different microstructural scales in terms of the magnification range required to observe the features concerned. The Visually Observable. The human eye is a remarkably sensitive data collection and imaging system, but it is limited in four respects: . . . .

the the the the

range of electromagnetic wavelengths that the eye can detect; signal intensity needed to trigger image ‘recognition’ in the brain; angular separation of image details that the eye can resolve; integration time over which an image is recorded by the eye.

The eye is sensitive to wavelengths ranging from about 0.4 to 0.7 mm, corresponding to a colour scale from dark red to violet. The peak sensitivity of the eye is in the green, and is usually quoted as 0.56 mm, a characteristic emission peak in the spectrum from a mercury vapour lamp. As a consequence, optical microscopes are commonly focused using a green filter, while the phosphors used for the screens of transmission electron microscopes and in monitors for image scanning systems often fluoresce in the green. The integration time of the eye is about 0.1 s, after which the signal on the retina decays. Sufficient photons have to be captured by the retina within this time in order to form an image. In absolute darkness, the eye ‘sees’ isolated flashes of light, that, at low intensities, constitute a background of random noise. At low light levels the eye also requires several minutes to achieve its maximum sensitivity (a process termed dark adaptation). Nevertheless, when properly dark-adapted, the eye detects of the order of 50 % of the incident ‘green’ photons, and a statistically significant image will be formed if of the order of 100 photons


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Table 1.2 Scale of microstructural features, the magnification required to reveal these features, and some common techniques available for studying their morphology. Scale


Typical ·1 magnification Common Visual techniques inspection X-ray radiography


Microstructure Nanostructure ·104

·106 X-ray diffraction

Scanning electron microscopy

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy Atomic force microscopy

Grain and particle sizes

Dislocation substructure



Optical microscopy

Ultrasonic inspection

Characteristic features

Production defects

Porosity, cracks Phase morphology and inclusions and anisotropy

Scanning tunnelling microscopy High resolution transmission electron microscopy

Crystal and interface structure Grain and phase Point defects and boundaries point defect clusters Precipitation phenomena

can contribute to each picture element (or pixel). This is as good as the best available military night-viewing systems, but these systems can integrate the image signal over a much longer period of time than the 0.1 s available to the eye, so that they can operate effectively at much lower light levels. The ability to identify two separate features that subtend a small angle at the eye is termed the resolution of the eye, and is a function of the pupil diameter (the aperture of the eye) and the distance at which the features are viewed. The concept of resolution was defined by Raleigh in terms of the apparent width of a point source. If the point source subtends an angle 2a at the lens, then Abbe showed that its apparent width d in the plane of the source was given by d ¼ 1.2l/m sin a, where l is the wavelength of the radiation from the source and m is the index of refraction of the intervening medium. Raleigh assumed that two point sources could be distinguished when the peak intensity collected from one point source coincided with the first minimum in the intensity collected from the other (Figure 1.9) That is, the resolution, defined by this Raleigh criterion, is exactly equal to the apparent diameter of a point source d viewed with the aid of a lens subtending an angle a. Larger objects are blurred in the image, so that an object having a dimension d appears to have a dimension d þ d. Objects smaller than d can be detected, but have a reduced intensity – and appear to have a size still equal to d. The limit of detection is usually determined by background noise levels, but is always less than the resolution limit. In general, intensity signals that exceed the background noise by more than 10 % can be detected. The diameter of the fully dilated pupil (the aperture that controls the amount of light entering the eye) is about 6 mm, while it is impossible to focus on an object if it is too close

The Concept of Microstructure 13 Image Intensity

Optical System

Two Point Sources in the Object Plane Image Plane

Figure 1.9 The Raleigh criterion defines the resolution in terms of the separation of two identical point sources that results in the centre of the image of one source falling on the first minimum in the image of the second source.

(termed the near point, typically about 150 mm). It follows that sin a for the eye is of the order of 0.04. Using green light at 0.56 mm and taking m¼ 1 (for air), we arrive at an estimate for deye of just under 0.2 mm. That is, the unaided eye can resolve features which are a few tenths of a millimetre apart. The eye records of the order of 106 image features in the field of view at any one time, corresponding to an object some 20 cm across at the near point (roughly the size of this page!). ‘With The Aid of The Optical Microscope’. An image which has been magnified by a factor M will contain resolvable features whose size ranges down to the limit dictated by the resolving power d of the objective lens in the microscope. In the image these ‘just resolved’ features will have a separation Md. If Md<deye then the unaided eye will not be able to resolve all the features recorded in the magnified image. On the other hand, if Md>deye then the image will appear blurred and fewer resolvable features will be present. That is, less information will be available to the observer. It follows that there is an ‘optimum’ magnification, corresponding to the ratio deye/d, at which the eye is just able to resolve all the features present in the magnified image and the density of resolvable image points (pixels) in the field of view is a maximum. Lower magnifications will image a larger area of the specimen, but at the cost of restricting the observable resolution. In some cases, for example in high resolution electron microscopy, this may actually be desirable. A hand lens is then used to identify regions of particular interest, and these regions are then enlarged, usually electronically. Higher magnifications than the optimum are seldom justified, since the image features then appear blurred and no additional information is gained. The optical microscope uses visible electromagnetic radiation as the probe, and the best optical lens systems have values of m sin a of the order of unity (employing a high-refractive index, inert oil as the medium between the objective lens and the specimen). It follows that


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

the best possible resolution is of the order of the wavelength, that is, approximately 0.5 mm. Assuming 0.2 mm for the resolution of the eye, this implies that, at a magnification of ·400, the optical microscope should reveal all the detail that it is capable of resolving. Higher magnifications are often employed (why strain your eyes?), but there is no point in seeking magnifications for the optical microscope greater than ·1000. Modern, digitized imaging systems are capable of recording image intensity levels at a rate of better than 106 pixels s1, allowing for real-time digital image recording, not only in the optical microscope, but also in any other form of spatially resolved signal collection and processing (see Section 3.5). Electron Microscopy. Attempts to improve the resolution of the optical microscope by reducing the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation used to form the image have been marginally successful. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is invisible to the eye, so that the image must be viewed on a fluorescent screen, and special lenses transparent to UV are required. The shorter wavelength radiation is also strongly absorbed by many engineering materials, severely limiting the potential applications for a ‘UV’ microscope. Far more success has been achieved by reducing the size of the source to the sub-micrometre range and scanning a light probe over the sample in an x–y raster while recording a scattered or excited photon signal. Such near-field microscopes have found applications, especially in biology where they are used for the study of living cells. Once again, however, such instruments fall outside the scope of this text. Attempts have also been made to develop an X-ray microscope, focusing a subnanometre wavelength X-ray beam by using curved crystals, but it is difficult to find practical solutions to the immense technical problems. More successful has been the use of synchrotron X-radiation at energies as high as 400 keV, using X-ray microtomography to generate three-dimensional image information at sub-micrometre resolutions. Such facilities are not generally available. Electrons are the only feasible alternative. An electron beam of fixed energy will exhibit wavelike properties, the wavelength l being derived, to a good approximation, from the de Broglie relationship: l ¼ h/(2 meV)1/2, where h is Planck’s constant, m is the mass of the electron, e is the electron charge and V is the accelerating voltage. With V in kilovolts and l in nanometres, the constant h/(2me)1/2 is approximately equal to 0.037. For an accelerating voltage of only 1 kV this wavelength is much less than the interplanar spacing in a crystalline solid. However, as we shall see in Section 4.1.2, it is not that easy to focus an electron beam. Electromagnetic lenses are needed, and various lens aberrations limit the acceptable values of the collection angle a for the scattered electrons to between 102 and 103 rad (360 ¼ 2 p rad). At these small angles a sin a, and the Raleigh resolution criterion reduces to d ¼ 1.2l/a. (In the electron microscope m ¼ 1, since the electron beam will only propagate without energy loss in a vacuum.) Typical interatomic distances in solids are of the order of 0.2 to 0.5 nm, so that, in principle, atomic resolution in the electron microscope ought to be achievable at 100 kV. This is indeed the case, but transmission electron microscopes require thin samples which may be difficult to prepare, and in practice the optimum operating voltage for achieving consistent resolution of the atomic arrays in a crystal lattice is between 200 kV and 400 kV. Commercial transmission electron microscopes guarantee sub-nanometre resolutions and are capable of detecting the microstructural and nanostructural features present in engineering materials.

The Concept of Microstructure 15

Scanning electron microscopes, in which the resolution depends on focusing the electron beam into a fine probe, have an additional, statistical resolution limit. The beam current available in the probe Ip decreases rapidly as the beam diameter d is reduced, according to the relationship I p / d 8=3 , and the intensity of the signal that can be detected is proportional to the beam current. For some types of signal (most notably, X-rays, whose characteristic wavelengths are dependent on the chemical species), the statistical limit is reached at probe diameters which are much larger than those set by the potential electromagnetic performance of the probe lens. For thick samples in the scanning electron microscope, the resolution in characteristic X-ray maps of chemical concentration is usually limited, both by the statistics of X-ray generation and by spreading of the electron beam as it loses energy to the sample. In general, the best spatial resolution for X-ray maps is of the order of 1 mm. A secondary electron image, obtained in the same scanning electron microscope, may have a resolution that is only limited by the aperture of the probe-forming lens and the wavelength of the electron beam. Combining the Abbe equation, the Raleigh criterion and the de Broglie relationship (linking wavelength to accelerating voltage), we can estimate the approximate minimum size of an electron beam probe for secondary electron imaging in a scanning electron microscope. Since the image is formed from a secondary signal, we also need to consider the volume of material beneath the impinging beam which generates the signal. As the accelerating voltage is increased, the electrons will penetrate deeper into the sample and will be scattered (both elastically and inelastically) over a wider angle. It follows that lower accelerating voltages are desirable in order to limit this spread of the beam within the sample. However, a better signal-to-background ratio will be obtained at higher accelerating voltages. Most scanning electron microscopes are designed to operate in the range 1–30 kV, the lower accelerating voltages being preferred for low-density (lower atomic number) specimens. Assuming the probe convergence angle a to be 102 rad and taking 4 kV as a typical lower limit to the accelerating voltage, this yields a potential resolution of about 2 nm for the secondary electron image in the scanning electron microscope. A great deal will be said in later chapters about the factors limiting the spatial resolution in the different methods of microscopy used to characterize microstructural morphology. For the time being, it will suffice to note that five factors should be considered: . . . . .

the physical characteristics of the probe source; the optical properties of the imaging system; the nature of the specimen–probe interaction; the statistics of imaging data collection and storage; image processing, and the display and recording of the final image.

Every technology has its limitations, and methods of microstructural characterization should be chosen according to the information required. Modern equipment for microstructural characterization often combines several techniques on one platform, so the limitations of a specific technique do not always mean that we have to prepare different samples, or search for another piece of equipment. ‘Seeing Atoms’. A common, and not in the least foolish, question is ‘can we see atoms?’ The answer is, in a certain sense, ‘yes’, although the detailed science and technology behind the imaging of atomic and molecular structure is beyond the scope of this text.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

The story starts in Berlin, in 1933, when the electron microscope was developed by Ernst .. Ruska. Shortly afterwards, in 1937, Erwin Muller, also in Berlin, demonstrated that a polished tungsten needle, mounted in a vacuum chamber, would emit electrons from its tip when a positive voltage was applied to the needle. This field emission process was used to image differences in the work function, the energy required to extract an electron from the surface of the metal. A field emission image of the dependence of the work function on the crystallographic orientation was formed by radial projection of the electrons onto a .. fluorescent screen. Some 15 years later Muller and Bahadur admitted a small quantity of gas into the chamber, reversed the voltage on the tungsten needle, and observed ionization of the gas at the tip surface. When the low pressure gas was cooled to cryogenic temperatures, the radially projected image on a fluorescent screen showed regular arrays of bright spots, and the field-ion microscope was born (Figure 1.10). The intensity of these bright spots reflects the electric field enhancement over individual atoms protruding from the surface of the tip. By pulsing the tip voltage or by using pulsed laser excitation, the protruding surface atoms can be ionized and accelerated radially away from the tip. These field-evaporated atoms can be detected with high efficiency using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, so that not only can the surface of a metal tip be imaged at ‘atomic’ resolution in a field-ion microscope, but in many cases a high proportion of the individual atoms can be identified with reasonable certainty in a field-ion atom probe. In recent years further technical developments have improved this instrumentation to the point where positional time-offlight detectors can record millions of field-evaporated individual ions and display each of

Figure 1.10 The field-ion microscope was the first successful attempt to image ‘atoms’: (a) A schematic diagram of the instrument; (b) a tungsten tip imaged by field-ion microscopy.

The Concept of Microstructure 17

the atomic species present in a three-dimensional array, clearly resolving initial stages in the nucleation of phase precipitation and the chemistry of interface segregation, all at resolutions on the atomic scale (Section 7.3.2). Unfortunately, only engineering materials which possess some electrical conductivity can be studied, and many of these materials lack the mechanical strength to withstand the high electric field strengths needed to obtain controlled field-evaporation of atoms from the very sharp, sub-micrometre sample tip. A rather more useful instrument for observing ‘atoms’ is the scanning tunnelling microscope. In this technique a sharp needle is used as a probe rather than as a specimen. The probe needle, mounted on a compliant cantilever in vacuum, is brought to within a few atomic distances of the sample surface and the vertical distance z of the tip of the probe from the surface is precisely controlled by using a laser sensor and piezoelectric drives. The tip is usually scanned at constant z across the x–y plane, while monitoring either the tip current at constant applied voltage, or the tip voltage at constant applied current (Section 7.2.2). The contrast periodicity observed in a scanning tunnelling image reflects periodicity in the atomic structure of the surface, and some of the first images published demonstrated unequivocally and dramatically that the equilibrium {111} surface of a silicon single crystal is actually restructured to form a 7 · 7 rhombohedral array (Figure 1.11). By varying the voltage of the tip with respect to the specimen, the electron density of states in the sample can be determined at varying distances beneath the surface of the solid. The resolution of the scanning tunnelling microscope depends primarily on the mechanical stability of the system, and all the commercial instruments available guarantee ‘atomic’ resolution. In principle, there is no reason why the same needle should not be used to monitor the force between the needle and a specimen surface over which the needle is scanned. As the needle approaches the surface it first experiences a van der Waals attraction (due to

Figure 1.11 The scanning tunnelling microscope provides data on the spatial distribution of the density of states in the electron energy levels at and beneath the surface. In this example the 7 · 7 rhombohedral unit cell of the restructured {111} surface of a silicon crystal is clearly resolved. Reprinted from I.H. Wilson, p. 162 in Walls and Smith (eds) Surface Science Techniques, Copyright 1994, with permission from Elsevier Science.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

polarization forces), which at shorter distances is replaced by a repulsion force, as the needle makes physical contact with the specimen. Scanning the probe needle over the surface at constant displacement (constant z) and monitoring the changes in the van der Waals force yields a scanning image in which, under suitable conditions, ‘atomic’ resolution may also be observed (Figure 1.12). No vacuum is now necessary, so the atomic force microscope (Section 7.2.1) is particularly useful for studying solid surfaces in gaseous or liquid media (something that the field-ion microscope and the scanning tunnelling microscope cannot do). The atomic force microscope is a powerful tool for imaging both organic membranes and polymers. By vibrating the tip (using a piezoelectric transducer), it is possible to monitor the elastic compliance of the substrate at atomic resolution, providing information on the spatial distribution of the atomic bonding at the surface. Surface force microscopy, developed earlier, primarily by Israelachvili, uses much the same principle, but with a resolution of the order of micrometres. In this case curved cylindrical surfaces of cleaved mica are brought together at right angles, eventually generating a circular area of contact. The surface forces are monitored as a function of both the separation of the cylinders and the environment, and this instrument has proved to be a particularly powerful tool for fundamental studies of surface-active and lubricating films. For these studies the mica surfaces can be coated, for example by physical vapour or chemical vapour deposition, to control the nature of the lubricant substrate. All of these techniques provide spatially resolved information on the surface structure of a solid and have been grouped together under the heading surface probe microscopy (SPM). In all cases, these techniques reveal one or another aspect of the surface atomic morphology and the nature of the interatomic bonding at the surface. In a very real sense, today we are indeed able to ‘see atoms’. The limitations of SPM will be explored in Chapter 7, while the extent to

Figure 1.12 AFM scan of Ca-rich particles on the basal surface of sapphire: (a) a top view showing the faceting of the particle: (b) an inclined view of the same area showing the three dimensional morphology of the particle. Reprinted with permission from A. Avishai, PhD, Thesis, Thin-Equilibrium Amorphous Films at Model Metal–Ceramic Interfaces, 2004, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology; Haifa, p. 75.

The Concept of Microstructure 19

which transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy also allow us to ‘see atoms’ is discussed in the appropriate sections of Chapter 4. 1.1.3

Microstructural Parameters

Microstructural features are commonly described in qualitative terms: for example, the structure may be reported to be equiaxed, when the structure appears similar in all directions, or the particles of a second phase may be described as acicular or plate-like. Theories of material properties, on the other hand, frequently attempt to define a quantitative dependence of a measured property on the microstructure, through the introduction of microstructural parameters. These parameters, for example grain size, porosity or dislocation density, must also be measured quantitatively if they are to have any predictive value within the framework of a useful theory. A classic example is the Petch relationship which links the yield strength of a steel sy to its grain size D [see Equation (1.1)]. In many cases there is a chasm of uncertainty between the qualitative microstructural observations and their association with a predicted or measured material property. To bridge this chasm we need to build two support piers. To construct the first we note that many of the engineering properties of interest are stochastic in nature, rather than deterministic. That is, the property is not single-valued, but is best described by a probability function. We know that not all men are 180 cm tall, nor do they all weigh 70 kg. Rather, there are empirical functions describing the probability that an individual taken from any well-defined population will have a height or weight that falls within a set interval. Clearly, if an engineering property is stochastic in nature, then it is likely that the material parameters which determine that property will also be stochastic, so that we need to determine the statistical distribution of the parameters used to define these material properties. The second support pier needed to build our bridge is on the microstructural side of the chasm. It is constructed from our understanding and knowledge of the mechanisms of image formation and the origins of image contrast, in combination with a quantitative analysis of the spatial relationship between microstructural image observations and the bulk structure of the material. This geometry-based, quantitative analysis of microstructure is termed stereology, the science of spatial relationships, and is an important component of this book (see Chapter 9). For the time being, we will only consider the significance of some terms which are used to define a few common microstructural parameters. Grain Size. Most engineering materials, especially structural materials, are polycrystalline, that is, they consist of a three-dimensional assembly of individual grains, each of which is a single crystal whose crystal lattice orientation in space differs from that of its neighbours. The size and shape of these individual grains are as varied as the grains of sand on the seashore. If we imagine the polycrystalline aggregate separated out into these individual grains, we might legitimately choose to define the grain size as the average separation of two parallel tangent planes that touch the surfaces of any randomly oriented grain. This definition is termed the caliper diameter DC, and it is rather difficult to measure (Figure 1.13). We could also imagine counting the number of grains extracted from a unit volume of the sample, NV, and then defining an average grain size as DV ¼ NV1/3. This definition is unambiguous and independent of any anisotropy or inhom*ogeneity in the material. However, most samples for microstructural observation are prepared by taking a


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 1.13 Grain size may be defined in several ways that are not directly related to one another, for example the mean caliper diameter, the average section diameter on a planar section, or the average intercept length along a random line.

planar section through the solid, three-dimensional microstructure, so it is more practical to count the number of grains that have been revealed by etching the polished surface of a twodimensional section through the sample, and then transform the number of grains intercepted per unit area of the section NA into an average ‘grain size’ by writing DA ¼ NA1/2. This is a very common procedure for determining grain size, and may well be the preferred measure. However, we could also lay down a set of lines on our ‘random’ polished-andetched section, and count the number of intercepts which these ‘test’ lines make with the grain boundary traces seen on the section. In general, samples are usually sectioned on planes selected in accordance with the specimen geometry, for example, parallel or perpendicular to a rolling plane, and test lines are also usually drawn parallel or perpendicular to specific directions, such as the rolling

The Concept of Microstructure 21

direction of a metal sheet. However, if both the test line on the surface and the sample section itself are truly random, then the test line is a random intercept of the boundary array present in the bulk material. The number of intercepts per unit length of a test line NL gives us yet another measure of the grain size, DL the mean linear intercept, where DL ¼ NL1, and is also a commonly accepted definition for grain size (with or without some factor of proportionality). However, this is not quite the end of the story. In industrial quality control a totally different, qualitative ‘measure’ of grain size is commonly used. The sample microstructure is compared with a set of standard microstructures (ASTM Grain-size Charts) and assigned an ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) grain size DASTM on the basis of the observer’s visual judgement of the ‘best-fit’ with the ASTM chart. This is of course a rather subjective measure of grain size that depends heavily on the experience of the observer. What happens if the grains are not of uniform size? Well, any section through the sample will cut through an individual grain at a position determined by the distance of the centre of gravity of the grain from the plane of the section, so that grains of identical volume may have different intercept areas on the plane of the section, depending on how far this plane lies from their centre of gravity. This distribution of intercept areas will be convoluted with the ‘true’ grain size distribution, and it is difficult (but not impossible) to derive the grain size distribution in the bulk material from an observed distribution of the areas intercepted on the polished section. If the grains are also elongated (as may happen if the grain boundary energy depends on orientation) or if elongated grains are partially aligned (as will be the case for a plastically deformed ductile metal or for a sample that has been cast from the melt in a temperature gradient), then we shall have to think very carefully indeed about the significance of any grain size parameter that has been measured from a planar surface section. These problems are treated in more detail in Chapter 9. Dislocations and Dislocation Density. Dislocations control many of the mechanical properties of engineering materials. A dislocation is a line defect in the crystal lattice which generates a local elastic strain field. Dislocations may interact with the free surface, dispersed particles and internal interfaces (such as grain boundaries), as well as with each other. Each dislocation line is characterized by a displacement vector, the Burgers vector, which defines the magnitude of the elastic strain field around the dislocation. The angle between the Burgers vector and the dislocation line in large part determines the nature of the dislocation strain field, that is the shear, tensile and compressive displacements of the atoms from their equilibrium positions. A Burgers vector parallel to the dislocation line defines a screw dislocation, while a Burgers vector perpendicular to the dislocation line defines an edge dislocation. All other configurations are referred to as mixed dislocations. In a thin-film specimen imaged by TEM, the Burgers vector and line-sense of the dislocations can usually be determined unambiguously from the diffraction contrast generated in the region of the dislocation by the interaction of the dislocation strain field with the electron beam (Section 4.4.5). However, the determination of the dislocation density is often ambiguous. A good theoretical definition of the dislocation density is ‘the total line length of the dislocations per unit volume of the sample’. This definition is unambiguous and independent of the dislocation distribution, and the dislocations may interact or be aligned along particular crystallographic directions. However, this definition does not make any allowance for families of dislocations that have different Burgers


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

vectors. This may not matter if the dislocation population is dominated by one specific type of Burgers vector, as is commonly the case in cold-worked metals, in which the slip dislocations are usually of only one type. However, it may matter a great deal when assessing the residual dislocation content in semiconductor single crystals. Moreover, since it is the strain fields of the dislocations that are imaged, and contrast is only observed if the strain field has a component perpendicular to the diffracting planes, dislocations may ‘disappear’ from the image under certain diffraction imaging conditions. A further problem arises when we seek to extend our definition of the term dislocation. For example, when dislocations interact they may form low energy dislocation networks (Figure 1.14), that separate regions of the crystal having slightly different orientations in space. The dislocation network is thus a sub-grain boundary. Are we to include the array of dislocations in the sub-boundary in our count of dislocation density or not? Plastic deformation frequently leads to the formation of dislocation tangles which form cell structures, and within the cell walls it is usually impossible to resolve the individual dislocations (Figure 1.15). In addition, small dislocation loops may be formed by the collapse of point defect clusters that often result from plastic deformation, quenching the sample from high temperatures or radiation damage in a nuclear reactor (Figure 1.16). Should these small loops also be counted as dislocations? A common alternative definition of dislocation density is ‘the number of dislocation intersections per unit area of a planar section’. In an anisotropic sample this definition would be expected to give dislocation densities that show a dependence on the plane of the section, so that the two definitions are not equivalent. Furthermore, a dislocation density determined from observations made using one counting method need not agree with that derived from other measurements, no matter how carefully the dislocation density is defined. The spatial resolution may differ, and the method of specimen preparation could also affect the results, for example, by permitting dislocations to glide out to the surface and annihilate.

Figure 1.14 A low energy array of dislocations forms a dislocation network which constitutes a sub-boundary in the crystal that can interact with slip dislocations, as shown here. Such boundaries separate the crystal into sub-grains of slightly different orientation.

Figure 1.15 Plastic deformation of a ductile metal often results in poorly resolved dislocation tangles which form cells within the grains.

Figure 1.16 Dark-field transmission electron micrograph taken with a g ¼ (200) reflection showing small defects due to 100 kV Kr ion irradiation of Cu at 294 K. Reproduced with permission from R.C. Birtcher, M.A. Kirk, K. Furuya, G.R. Lumpkin and M.O. Ruault, in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Radiation Effects, Journal of Materials Research, 20(7), 1654–1683, 2005. Copyright (2005), with permission from Materials Research Society.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials Phase Volume Fraction. Many engineering materials contain more than one phase, and the size, shape and distribution of a second phase are often dominant factors in determining the effect of the second phase on the properties. As with grain size, when the second phase is present as individual particles there are a number of nonequivalent options for defining the particle size, shape and spatial distribution. These definitions are for the most part analogous to those for grain size, discussed above. However, in many cases the second phase forms a continuous, interpenetrating network within the primary phase, in which both interphase boundaries and grain boundaries are present. If the secondary phase particles have shapes that are in any way convoluted (with regions of both positive and negative curvature at the boundaries), then the same particle may intersect the surface of a section more than once, making it very difficult to estimate just how many second phase particles are present. However, there is one microstructural parameter that is independent of both the scale, shape and the distribution of the second phase, and that is the phase volume fraction fV. Since this is both a shape and scale-independent parameter, for crystalline phases fV can be determined both conveniently and quickly from diffraction data (see the Worked Examples of Chapter 2), while local values of the phase volume fraction can be extracted from images of a planar section (Figure 1.17). On a random section, the volume fraction of the second phase can be estimated from the areal fraction of the second phase intercepted by the section, A/A0. At the dawn of metallography (well over 100 years ago!) it was even accepted practice to cut out the regions of interest from a photographic image and then weigh them relative to the ‘weight’ of the total area sampled. This areal estimate is actually equivalent to a lineal estimate, determined from a random line placed across the plane of the section. Providing the line and section are both ‘random’, the length of the line traversing the second phase relative to the total length of test line L/L0 is also an estimate of the phase volume fraction. Finally, a random grid of test points on the sample section can also provide the same information: the number of points falling on regions of the second phase divided by the total number of test points P/P0 again estimates the volume of the second phase relative to the total volume of the sample V/V0. Thus, for the case of truly random sampling: fV ¼ A / A0 ¼ L / L0 ¼ P/P0 ¼ V / V0. For anisotropic samples, these relations do not hold, but useful information on the extent of the microstructural anisotropy can still be determined by comparing results obtained from different sample sections and directions in the material. Porous materials can also be analysed as though they contained a ‘second phase’, although precautions have to be taken when sectioning and polishing a porous sample if artifacts associated with loss of solid material and rounding of the pore edges is to be avoided. It is always a good idea to compare microstructural observations of porous materials with data on pore size and volume fraction determined from physical models using measurements based on density, porisometry or gas adsorption.


Crystallography and Crystal Structure

The arrangements of the atoms in engineering materials are determined by the chemical bonding forces. Some degree of order at the atomic level is always present in solids, even in what appears to be a featureless, structureless glass or polymer. In what follows we will briefly review the nature of the chemical forces and outline the ways in which these chemical forces are related to the engineering properties. We will then discuss some of the

The Concept of Microstructure 25

Figure 1.17 The volume fraction of a second phase can be determined from the areal fraction of the phase, seen on a random planar section, or from the fractional length of a random test line which intercepts the second phase particles in the section, or from the fraction of points in a test array which falls within the regions of the second phase.

crystallographic tools needed to describe and understand the commonly observed atomic arrangements in ordered, crystalline solids. The body of knowledge that describes and characterizes the structure of crystals is termed crystallography. 1.2.1

Interatomic Bonding in Solids

It is a convenient assumption that atoms in solids are packed together much as one would pack table tennis balls into a box. The atoms (or, if they carry an electrical charge, the ions) are assumed to be spherical, and to have a diameter which depends on their atomic number


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(the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus), their electrical charge (positive, if electrons have been removed to form a cation, or negative if additional electrons have been captured to form an anion), and, to a much lesser extent, the number of neighbouring atoms surrounding the atom being considered (the coordination number of the atom or ion). Ionic Bonding. In an ionically bonded solid the outer, valency electron shells of the atoms are completed or emptied by either accepting or donating electrons. In cooking salt, NaCl, the sodium atom donates an electron to the chlorine atom to form an ion pair (a positively charged sodium cation and a negatively charged chlorine anion). Both cations and anions now have stable outer electron shells, the chlorine ion having a full complement of eight electrons in the outer shell, and the sodium ion having donated its lone excess electron to the chlorine atom. To minimize the electrostatic energy, the negative electrical charge on the cations must be surrounded by positively charged anion neighbours and vice versa. At the same time, the outer electron shell of the anions will contract towards the positively charged nucleus as a result of the excess positive charge on the nucleus, while the excess negative charge on the anions will cause a net expansion of the outer electron shell of the anions. For the case of NaCl, and many other ionic crystals, the larger anions form an ordered (and closely packed) array, while the smaller cations occupy the interstices. Two opposing factors will determine the number of neighbours of opposite charge that surrounds a given ion (the coordination number). First, the electrostatic (Coulombic) attraction between ions of opposite charge tends to maximize the density of the ionic array. At the same time, in order to keep neighbouring ions of similar charge separated, the smaller ion must be larger than the interstices which it occupies in the packing of the larger ion. The smallest possible number of neighbours of opposite charge is 3, and boron (Z ¼ 5) is a small, highly charged cation which often has this low coordination number. Coordination numbers of 4, 6 and 8 are found for steadily increasing ratios of the two ionic radii (Figure 1.18), while the maximum






Figure 1.18 The number of neighbours of an ion, its coordination number, is primarily determined by the ratio of the radii of the smaller to the larger ion. The regular coordination polyhedra allow for 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 nearest neighbours.

The Concept of Microstructure 27

coordination number, 12, corresponds to cations and anions having approximately the same size. The anion is not always the larger of the two ions, and when the cation has a sufficiently large atomic number, it may be the anions that occupy the interstices in a cation array. Zirconia, ZrO2, is a good example of packing anions into a cation array. Silicate structures and glasses are also dominated by ionic bonding, but in this case the tightly coordinated cations form a molecular ion, most notably the SiO4 silicate tetrahedron. These tetrahedra may carry a negative charge (as in magnesium silicate, Mg2SiO4), or they may be covalently linked to form a poly-ion, in which the coordination tetrahedra share their corner oxygen atoms (as in quartz) to form oxygen bridges, –(Si–O–Si)–. Borates, phosphates and sulfates can form similar structures, but it is the silicates that dominate in engineering importance. Since only the corners of a silicate tetrahedron may be shared, and not the edges or faces, the silicates form very open, low density structures which can accommodate a wide variety of other cations. In addition, the oxygen corner linkage is quite flexible, and allows any two linked tetrahedra considerable freedom to change their relative orientation. The average negative charge on the silicate ion in a glass varies inversely with the number of oxygen bridges, and this charge is neutralized by the presence of additional cations (known as modifiers) that occupy the interstices between the tetrahedra. The tetrahedra themselves do not readily change their dimensions, although some substitution of the Si4þ ion can occur (most notably by B3þ or Al3þ). Since the oxygen bridges constrain the distance between neighbouring tetrahedra, the glasses possess well-defined short-range order that may extend up to 2 nm from the centres of the silicate tetrahedra. Covalent Bonding. Many important engineering materials are based on chemical bonding in which neighbouring atoms share electrons that occupy molecular orbitals. In diamond. (Figure 1.19), the carbon atoms all have four valency electrons, and by sharing

Figure 1.19 In covalently bonded diamond the carbon atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated to each of their nearest neighbours by shared molecular orbitals.


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each of these with four neighbouring carbon atoms, each atom acquires a full complement of eight electrons for the outer valency shell. It is the strong CC covalent bond which ensures the chemical stability, not only of diamond, but also of most polymer molecules, which are constructed from covalently linked chains of carbon atoms. The oxygen bridges in silicate glasses are also, to a large extent, covalent bonds, and the same oxygen bridges provide the chain linkage in silicone polymers, (OSiHR). It is not always possible to describe a bond as simply covalent or ionic. Consider the series NaCl, MgO, AlN, SiC, in which the number of electrons participating in the bond between individual cations and anions increases from one to four. The first two compounds in the series are commonly described as ionic solids. The third, aluminium nitride, could also be described as ionically bonded, although the effective charge on the ions is appreciably less than that predicted by their trivalent nature. The fourth compound, silicon carbide is tetrahedrally coordinated, as is diamond. Since both constituents are in the same group of the periodic table, one might guess that it is covalently bonded. However, this is not entirely correct, and in fact the physical properties are best simulated by assuming that the silicon atoms still carry some positive charge, while the carbon atoms carry a corresponding negative charge. In fact, as the valency increases, so does the contribution to the bond strength from covalent bonding. Metals and Semiconductors. Valence electrons may be shared, not only with a nearest neighbour atom, but quite generally, throughout the solid. That is, the molecular orbitals of the electrons may not be localized to a specific pair of atoms. Electrons which are free to move throughout the solid are said to occupy a conduction band, and to be free electrons. The chemical bonding in such a solid is termed metallic bonding, and is characterized by a balance between two opposing forces: the coulombic attraction between the free electrons and the array of positively charged, metallic cations, and the repulsive forces between the closed shells of these cations. The properties typical of the metallic bond are associated with the mobility of the free electrons (especially the high thermal and electrical conductivity, and the optical reflectivity), and with the nondirectionality of this bond (for example, mechanical plasticity or ductility). In some cases, only small numbers of electrons may be present in the conduction band of a solid, either as a result of thermal excitation or due to the presence of impurities. Such materials are termed semiconductors, and they play a key role in the manufacture of electronic devices for the electronics industry. If electrons are thermally excited to occupy a conduction band, then they leave behind vacant holes, which may also be mobile. Semiconductors in which the negatively charged electrons are the dominant electrical current carriers are termed n-type, while those in which the positively charged holes are responsible for the electronic properties are termed p-type. If certain impurities are present in very low concentrations, then the electrons may not be free to move throughout the solid, and cannot confer electrical conductivity, but they will nevertheless occupy localized states. Many cation impurities in ceramics give rise to localized states that are easily excited and strongly absorb visible light. They are then said to form colour centres. In precious and semi-precious jewels small quantities of cation impurities are dissolved in the single crystal jewel stone and impart the characteristic colour tones, for example, chromium in ruby. Such cation additions are also of major importance in the ceramics industry, and the effects may be either deleterious (discoloration) or advantageous (a variety of attractive enamels and glazes, Figure 1.20). Irradiation of transparent,

The Concept of Microstructure 29

Figure 1.20 The colour and texture of a porcelain glaze depends both on the presence of dispersed pigment particles and controlled amounts of impurity cations that introduce colour centres into the silicate glass. These colour centres may also nucleate localized crystallization. The illustration shows a glass jar from the time of the Roman Empire. Reproduced with permission of the Corning Museum of Glass. (See colour plate section)

nonconducting solids creates large concentrations of point defects in the material. Such radiation damage is also often a cause of colour centres. Polarization Forces. In addition to the three types of chemical bonding discussed above, many of the properties of engineering solids are determined by secondary, or van der Waals bonding, that is associated with molecular polarization forces. In its weakest form, the polarization force arises from the polarizability of an electron orbital. Rare gas atoms will liquefy (and solidify) at cryogenic temperatures as a consequence of the small reduction in potential energy achieved by polarization of an otherwise symmetrical electron orbital. Many molecular gases (H2, N2, O2, CH4) behave similarly. The properties of a number of engineering polymers are dominated by the polarizability of the molecular chain, for example polyethylene, (CH2CH2). The ductility of the polymer, as well as its softening point and glass transition temperature, are determined by a combination of the molecular weight of the


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polymer chains and their polarizability. This weak bonding is quite sufficient to ensure that engineering components manufactured from polymers are mechanically stable, and, under suitable circ*mstances, these high molecular weight polymers may partially crystallize. Stronger polarization forces exist when the molecular species has a lower symmetry and possesses a permanent dipole moment. A good example is carbon dioxide (CO2) but similar molecular groupings are also often present in high performance engineering polymers. Organic tissues are largely constructed from giant polar molecules with properties dictated by a combination of the molecular configuration and the position of the polar groups within the molecule. The strongest polarization forces are associated with a dipole moment due to hydrogen, namely the hydrogen bond. Hydrogen in its ionized form is a proton, with no electrons to screen the nucleus. The ionic radius of hydrogen is therefore the smallest possible, and asymmetric molecular groupings which contain hydrogen can have very high dipole moments. The two compounds that demonstrate this best are water and ammonia, (H2O and NH3) and the corresponding molecular groups found in engineering polymers are (OH) and (NH2). These groups raise both the tensile strength and the softening point of the polymer. The families of polyamides and polyamines (which include the ‘nylons’, actually a commercial trade name) depend for their strength and stiffness on the strong hydrogen bonding between the polymer chains. 1.2.2

Crystalline and Amorphous Phases

We have outlined the nature of the chemical bonding found in engineering solids and liquids, and the atomic coordination requirements associated with this bonding. In some engineering solids the local atomic packing results in long-range order and the material is termed crystalline, while in others short-range atomic order has no long-range consequences, and the (‘liquid-like’) material is termed amorphous or glassy. Single phase polycrystalline materials are made up of many small crystals or grains. Each grain has identical atomic packing to that of its neighbours, although the neighbouring grains are not in the same relative crystal orientation. In polyphase materials all the grains of each individual phase have the same atomic packing, but this packing generally differs from that of the other phases present in the material. In thermodynamic equilibrium, the grains of each phase also have a unique and fixed composition that depends on the temperature and composition of the material, and can usually be determined from the appropriate phase diagram. In general, the solid phases in engineering materials may be either crystalline or amorphous. Amorphous phases may form by several quite distinct routes: rapid cooling from the liquid phase, condensation from the gaseous phase, or as the result of a chemical reaction. A good example of amorphous phases produced by chemical reaction are the highly protective oxide films formed on aluminium alloy and stainless steel components by surface reactions in air at room temperature. 1.2.3

The Crystal Lattice

The well-developed facets readily observed on many naturally occurring crystals, as well as on many ionic crystals grown from aqueous solution, prompted the development of the science of crystallography in the latter part of the nineteenth century. An analysis of the

The Concept of Microstructure 31

angles between crystal facets permitted an exact description of the symmetry elements of a crystal, and led to speculation that crystal symmetry was a property of the bulk material. This was finally confirmed with the discovery, at the beginning of the twentieth century, that small, single crystals would strongly diffract X-rays at very specific, fixed angles, to give a sharp diffraction pattern that was characteristic of any crystal of the same material when it was oriented in the same relation to the incident X-ray beam, irrespective of the crystal size and shape. The interpretation of these sharp X-ray diffraction maxima in terms of a completely ordered and regular atomic array of the chemical constituents of the crystal followed almost immediately, being pioneered by the father and son team of Lawrence and William Bragg. The concept of the crystal lattice was an integral part of this interpretation. The atoms in a crystal were centred at discrete, essentially fixed distances from one another, and these interatomic separations constituted an array of lattice vectors that could be defined in terms of an elementary unit of volume, the unit cell for the crystal, that displayed all the symmetry elements characteristic of the bulk crystal. Unit Cells and Point Lattices. This section introduces basic crystallography, and describes how a crystalline structure is interpreted and how crystallographic data can be retrieved from the literature. To understand the structure of crystals, it is convenient initially to ignore the positions of the atoms, and just concentrate on the periodicity, using a threedimensional periodic scaffold within which the atoms can be positioned. Such a scaffold is termed a crystal lattice, and is defined as a set of periodic points in space. A single lattice cell (the unit cell) is a parallelepiped, and the unit cells can be packed periodically by integer displacements of the unit cell parameters. The unit cell parameters are the three coordinate lengths (a, b, c) determined by placing the origin of the coordinate system at a lattice point, and the three angles (a, b, g) subtended by the lattice cell axes (Figure 1.21). Thus a unit cell with a ¼ b ¼ c and a ¼ b ¼ g ¼ 90 is a cube. The various unit cells are generated from the different values of a, b, c and a, b, g. An analysis of how to fill space periodically with lattice points shows that only seven different unit cells are required to describe all the possible


α β


γ a

Figure 1.21 Schematic representation of the lattice parameters of a unit cell.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

point lattices, and these are termed the seven crystal systems. These crystal systems are, in order of increasing crystal symmetry: triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, rhombohedral, hexagonal, and cubic. These seven crystal systems are each defined using primitive unit cells, in which each primitive cell only contains a single lattice point placed at the origin of the unit cell. However, more complicated point lattice symmetries are possible, each requiring that every lattice point should have identical surroundings. These permutations were first analysed by the French crystallographer Bravais in 1848, who described the possible (14) point lattices (the Bravais lattices), which are shown in Figure 1.22. Space Groups. In real crystals each individual lattice point actually represents either a group of atoms or a single atom, and it is these atoms that are packed into the crystal. Various degrees of symmetry are possible in this periodic packing of the atoms and atom groups. For example, if a crystal is built of individual atoms located only at the lattice points

Figure 1.22 The 14 Bravais lattices derived from the seven crystal systems.

The Concept of Microstructure 33

of a unit cell, then it will have the highest possible symmetry within that particular crystal system. This symmetry will then be retained if there are symmetrical groups of atoms associated with each lattice point. However, the atomic groups around a lattice point might also pack with a lower symmetry, reducing the symmetry of the crystal, so that it belongs to a different symmetry group within the same crystal class. Combining the symmetries of the atom groups associated with a lattice point with that of the Bravais lattices leads to the definition of space groups, which provide criteria for filling the Bravais point lattices with atoms and groups of atoms in a periodic array. It has been found that there are a total of 230 different periodic space groups, and that the structure of a crystal can always be described by one (or more) of these space groups. This has been found to be the most convenient way to visualize any complex crystal structure. Let us examine the use of space groups to define a crystal structure using a simple example. Assume we wish to know the positions of all the atoms in a copper (Cu) crystal. First we need a literature source which contains the crystallographic data. For materials science we use Pearson’s Handbook of Crystallographic Data for Intermetallic Phases (the name is misleading, since pure metals and ceramics are also included). The principle data listed in the handbook for Cu appear in the format shown in Table 1.3. Following the name of the phase, a structure type is given. This is the name of a real material that serves as an example for this particular crystallographic structure, and in this example copper is its own structure type. Next the Pearson symbol and space group are listed, which refer to the type of lattice cell and the symmetry of the structure. Here, the Pearson symbol, cF4, means a cubic (c) face-centred lattice (F) with four atoms per unit cell (that is, one atom for each lattice point, in this case). The symmetry description Fm 3m is in this case also the name of the space group and is followed by the lattice parameters. For our example, Cu, a ¼ b ¼ c ¼ 0.36148 nm, and a ¼ b ¼ g ¼ 90 . Since a cubic structure clearly has a ¼ b ¼ g ¼ 90 , these values are not listed. Finally the Wyckoff generating sites are given. These are the sites of specific atoms within the crystal structure, upon which the space group symmetry operators act. When combined with the space group, the symmetry operators will generate the positions of all atoms within the unit cell and specify the ‘occupancy’ or occupation factor. For Cu, x ¼ 000, y ¼ 000, z ¼ 000 and Occ ¼ 100. Hence, x ¼ y ¼ z ¼ 0.0 and the occupancy is 1.00. The last term, the occupancy, indicates the probability that a site is occupied by a particular atom species. In the case of Cu, all the sites (neglecting vacancy point defects) are occupied by Cu, so the occupancy is 1.00. How do we generate the crystal structure? We first need details of the symmetry operators for the space group Fm 3m. These can be found in the International Tables For

Table 1.3 Crystallographic data for Cu


Structure type

Pearson symbol space and group



cF4 Fm 3m

a, b, c (nm) 0.36148

a, b, g ( )


Point set




000 000 000 100





Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 1.23 The space group Fm3m which defines the symmetry for Cu. Reproduced by permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers from International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A, Space Group Symmetry, T. Hahn, ed. (1992).

The Concept of Microstructure 35

Crystallography, Volume A, Space Group Symmetry. An example is given in Figure 1.23. The data in the tables provide all the symmetry operators for any specific space group. In order to generate atomic positions from the generating site data listed for Cu, we add the (x, y, z) values of the generating site to the values listed in the tables. Returning to our example, Cu has a generating site of type 4a with (x,y,z) equal to (0,0,0). In the tables, the Wyckoff generating site for 4a has an operator of (0,0,0). This is our first atom site. Now we activate the general operators which are also listed. The addition of (0,0,0) to our initial generating site of (0,0,0) leaves one atom at the origin, while the addition of (0,1/2,1/2), (1/2,0,1/2) and (1/2,1/2,0) to (0,0,0) places three more atoms, one at the centre of each of the faces of the unit cell adjoining the origin. There are therefore four Cu atoms in our unit cell, as shown schematically in Figure 1.24(a). Figure 1.24(a) does not look like the ‘complete’ FCC structure sketched in most elementary texts, since only those atoms which ‘belong’ to a single unit cell are shown. Additional atoms at sites (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (0,1,0), (1,0,1), (0,1,1), (0,0,1), (1,1,1), (1,1/2,1/2), (1/2,1,1/2) and (1/2,1/2,1) actually belong to the neighboring unit cells in the crystal lattice.

Figure 1.24 Schematic drawing of (a) the unit cell of Cu and (b) the same unit cell, but with additional atoms from neighbouring unit cells in order to demonstrate the face-centred cubic (FCC) packing.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

A more commonly accepted (although no more correct) drawing of the unit cell for a copper crystal is given in Figure 1.24(b). We need a clear definition to decide if an atom ‘belongs’ in a specific unit cell: if 0 x < 1, 0 y < 1, and 0 z < 1, then we define the atom as ‘belonging’ to the unit cell. If not, then the atom belongs to a neighbouring cell. This provides a very easy method to count the number of atoms per cell. Why all this effort just to define four atoms in an FCC configuration? For this simple structure, the formalism is not strictly necessary, but for a structure with 92 atoms per unit cell, use of these tables is the easiest and least error-prone way to define the atomic positions. It is also convenient when computer-simulating crystal structures or diffraction spectra: instead of having to type in the positions of all the atoms in the unit cell, you can just use the space group operations. Now consider an example in which the use of occupation factors is important. A CuNi solid solution (an alloy) with 50 atom % Ni. Both Cu and Ni have the simple FCC structure, with complete solid solubility over the entire composition range. The description of the structure according to Pearson would be very similar to that of Cu, but instead of one generating site there are now two, one for nickel and one for copper but both with the same x, y, and z values, and each having an occupation factor of 0.5, corresponding to the bulk alloy concentration of 50 atom% Ni. Thus each of the four sites in the cell is occupied by both Cu and Ni each with the same probability of occupancy, 0.5. Other than some slight changes in the lattice parameters, this is the only difference between pure Cu and the CuNi random solid solution. Miller Indices and Unit Vectors. Crystal planes and crystal directions in the lattice are described by a vector notation based on a coordinate system defined by the axes and dimensions of the unit cell. A direction is defined by a vector whose origin lies at the origin of the coordinate system and whose length is sufficient to ensure that the x, y and z coordinates of the tip of the vector all correspond to an integer number of unit cell coordinates (Figure 1.25). The length of such a rational vector always corresponds to an

z nc=w

nb=v na=u

x Figure 1.25 The definition of direction indices in a crystal lattice.


The Concept of Microstructure 37

interatomic repeat distance in the lattice. In a crystal, two or more lattice directions may be geometrically equivalent, and it is sometimes useful to distinguish a family of crystal directions. For example, in a cubic crystal the x-axis is defined by the direction [100] (in square brackets), but the y and z directions, [010] and [001] are, by symmetry, geometrically equivalent. Angular brackets are used as a shorthand for the family of h100i directions. Of course, in lower symmetry crystals the two directions [100] and [010] may not be equivalent (that is a 6¼ b in the unit cell), and these two directions do not then belong to the same family. Note that all directions which are parallel in the crystal lattice are considered equivalent, regardless of their point of origin, and are denoted by the same direction indices [uvw]. However, a negative index is perfectly legitimate, ½ u vw 6¼ ½uvw and indicates that the u coordinate is negative. Since the direction indices define the shortest repeat distance in the lattice along the line of the vector, they cannot possess a common factor. It follows that the direction indices [422] and [330] should be written [211] and [110], respectively. Finally, the direction indices all have the dimension of length, the unit of length being defined by the dimensions of the unit cell. Crystal planes are described in terms of the reciprocal of the intercepts of the plane with the axes of a coordinate system that is defined by the unit cell (Figure 1.26). If the unit cell parameters are a, b and c, and the crystal plane makes intercepts x*, y* and z* along the axes defined by this unit cell, then the planar indices, termed Miller indices, are (h ¼ na/x*, k ¼ nb/y*, l ¼ nc/z*), where the integer n is chosen to clear the indices (hkl) of fractions. For example, a cube plane only intersects one of the axes of a cubic crystal, so two of the values x*, y* and z* must be 1 and the Miller indices must be one of the three possibilities (100),

z z*=nc/l

y y*=nb/k x*=na/h x Figure 1.26 The definition of Miller indices describing the orientation of a crystal plane within the unit cell of the crystal.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

(010) and (001), (always given in round brackets). All planes which are parallel in the lattice are described by the same indices, irrespective of the intercepts they make with the coordinate axes (although different values of n will be required to clear the fractions). Reversing the sign of all three Miller indices does not define a new plane. That is lÞ, and these indices refer to three crystallo6¼ ðhk ðhklÞ ðhklÞ. However, ðhklÞ 6¼ ðhklÞ graphically distinct, nonparallel planes in the lattice. While the letters [uvw], with square brackets, are used to define a set of parallel direction indices, the letters (hkl), with round brackets, are used to define the Miller indices of a parallel set of lattice planes. If a family of geometrically equivalent (but nonparallel) planes is intended, then this can be indicated by curly brackets; that is {hkl}. Note that the dimensions of the Miller indices are those of inverse length, and that the units are the inverse dimensions of the unit cell. Unlike the direction indices, Miller indices having a common factor do have a specific meaning: they refer to fractional values of the interplanar spacing in the unit cell. Thus the indices (422) are divisible by 2, and correspond to planes which are parallel to, but have just half the spacing of the (211) planes. In cubic crystals, but only in cubic crystals, any set of direction indices is always normal to the crystal planes having the same set of Miller indices. That is, the [123] direction in a crystal of cubic symmetry is normal to the (123) plane. This is not generally true in less symmetric crystals, even though it may be true for some symmetry directions. If a number of crystallographically distinct crystal planes intersect along a common direction [uvw], then that shared direction is said to be the zone axis of these planes, and the planes are said to lie on a common zone. There is a simple way of finding out whether or not a particular plane (hkl) lies on a given zone [uvw]. If it does, then hu þ kv þ lw ¼ 0. This is true for all crystal symmetries. The Stereographic Projection. It is a great convenience to be able to plot the prominent crystal planes and directions in a crystal on a two-dimensional projection, similar to the projections familiar to us from geographical mapping. By far the most useful of these is the stereographic projection. In the stereographic projection the crystal is imagined to be positioned at the centre of a sphere, the projection sphere, and the crystal directions and normals to the prominent crystal planes are projected from the centre of this sphere (the centre of the crystal) to intersect its surface (Figure 1.27). Straight lines are then drawn from the south pole of the projection sphere, through the points of intersection of these crystallographic directions and crystal plane normals with the sphere surface, until the lines intersect a plane placed tangential to the sphere at its north pole. All points around the equator of the sphere now project onto the tangent plane as a circle of radius equal to the diameter of the projection sphere. All points on the projection sphere that lie in the northern hemisphere will project within this circle, which is termed the stereogram. Points lying in the southern hemisphere will project outside the circle of the stereogram, but by reversing the direction of projection (from the north pole to a plane tangential to the south pole) we can also represent points lying in the southern hemisphere (but using an open circle in order to distinguish the southern hemisphere points). This avoids having to plot any points outside the area of the stereogram. Any such two-dimensional plot of the crystal plane normals and crystal directions constitutes a stereographic projection. It is conventional to choose a prominent symmetry plane (usually one face of the unit cell) for the plane of these stereographic projections.

The Concept of Microstructure 39

Figure 1.27 Derivation of the stereographic projection, a two-dimensional representation of the angular relationships between crystal planes and directions.

Figure 1.28 shows the stereographic projection for the least symmetrical, triclinic crystal system, with the axes of the unit cell [100], [010] and [001] and the faces of the unit cell (100), (010) and (001) plotted on an (001) projection. The (001) plane contains the [100] and [010] directions, while the [001] zone contains the normals to the (100) and (010) planes. However, as noted above, the crystal directions for this very low symmetry crystal do not coincide with the plane normals having the same indices. A stereogram (stereographic projection) for a cubic crystal, with the plane of the projection parallel to a cube plane is shown in Figure 1.29. Plane normals and crystal directions with the same indices now coincide, as do the plots of crystal planes and the corresponding zones. The high symmetry of the cubic system divides the stereogram into 24 geometrically equivalent unit spherical triangles that are projected onto the stereogram from the surface of the projection sphere (we ignore the southern hemisphere, since reversing the sign of a plane normal does not change the crystal plane). Each of these unit


Microstructural Characterization of Materials [100]









[011] (101) (111) [001]




[011] [111]



(111) (111)



[101] (110)


[111] [110] (100)




Figure 1.28 An (001) stereographic projection of the lattice of a triclinic crystal showing the (100), (010) and (001) planes and the [100], [010] and [001] directions. The angular unit cell parameters, a, b and g, that define the angles between the axes of the unit cell, are also marked on the stereogram. Note that the normals to the faces of the unit cell do not coincide with the axes of the unit cell.

triangles possesses all the symmetry elements of the cubic crystal, and is bounded by the traces of one plane from each of the families {100}, {110} and {111}. The zones defined by coplanar directions and plane normals pass through the centre of the projection sphere (by definition) and intercept this sphere along circles which have the diameter of the projection sphere. These circles then project onto the stereogram as traces of larger circles, termed great circles, whose maximum curvature is equal to that of the stereogram. The minimum curvature of a great circle is zero (that is, it projects as a straight line), and so straight lines on the stereogram correspond to planes whose traces pass through the centre of the stereographic projection. The bounding edges of any unit spherical triangle that defines the symmetry elements of a crystal are always great circles. Another property of the stereographic projection is that the cone of directions that make a fixed angle to any given crystallographic direction or crystal plane normal also projects as a circle on the plane of the stereogram. Such circles are termed small circles (but beware,

The Concept of Microstructure 41 (100)

















Figure 1.29 A stereographic projection of a cubic crystal with a cube plane parallel to the plane of the projection. The projection consists of 24 unit spherical triangles bounded by great circles. Each triangle contains all the symmetry elements of the crystal.

the axis of the cone of angles does not project to the centre of the circle on the stereogram; Figure 1.30). It follows that the angular scale of a stereographic projection is strongly distorted, as can be seen from a standard Wulff net (Figure 1.31), that is used to define the angular scale of the stereogram, both in small circles of latitude and in great circles of longitude. This Wulff net scale is identical to the angular scale commonly used to map the surface of the globe. Finally, some spherical triangles, defined by the intersection of three great circles, have geometrical properties which are very useful in applied crystallography. The sum of the angles at the intersections that form the corners of the spherical triangle always exceeds 2p, while the sides of the spherical triangles, on a stereographic projection also define angles. Great circles that intersect at 90 must each pass through the pole of the other. If more than one of the six angular elements of a spherical triangle is a right angle, then at least four elements of the triangle are right angles and if only two of the angles are given, then all the remaining four angles can be derived. If the angles represented by the sides of the spherical triangle are denoted by a, b and c, while the opposing angles are A, B and C, then the relation sin a/sin A ¼ sin b/sin B ¼ sin c/sin C always holds (Figure 1.32). (Compare the unit triangle for the triclinic unit cell shown in Figure 1.28.) Hexagonal crystals present a special problem, since the usual Miller indices and direction indices do not reflect the hexagonal symmetry of the crystal. It is common practice to introduce an additional, redundant axis into the basal plane of the hexagonal unit cell. The three axes a1, a2 and a3 then lie at 120 to one another, with the c-axis mutually perpendicular


Microstructural Characterization of Materials 100





100 100 010



hkl 100

Figure 1.30 A cone defining a constant angle with a direction in the crystal projects as a small circle on the stereogram. Note that the generating pole of the small circle is not at the centre of the projected circle on the stereogram.

(Figure 1.33). A redundant t-axis, drawn parallel to a3, results in a fourth Miller index i when defining a plane: (hkil), but the sum h þ k þ i ¼ 0. A basal plane stereogram for a hexagonal crystal (zinc) is given in Figure 1.34. The angular distance between the poles lying within the stereogram and its centre, the c-axis [0001], depends on the axial ratio of the unit cell, c/a. Families of crystal planes in a hexagonal lattice have similar indices in the four Miller index notation. That is ð10 10Þ and ð1 100Þ are clearly from the same family, while in the three index notation this is not obvious: (100) and ð1 10Þ.

Summary The term microstructure is taken to mean those features of a material, not visible to the eye, that can be revealed by examining a selected sample with a suitable probe. Microstructural information includes the identification of the phases present (crystalline or glassy),

The Concept of Microstructure 43

Figure 1.31 The Wulff net gives the angular scale of the stereogram in terms of small circles of latitude and great circles of longitude, as in a map of the globe.

the determination of their morphology (the grain or particle sizes and their distribution), and the chemical composition of these phases. Microstructural characterization may be either qualitative (‘what does the microstructure look like?’) or quantitative (‘what is the grain size?’). The two commonest forms of probe used to characterize microstructure are electromagnetic radiation and energetic electrons. In the case of electromagnetic radiation, the optical microscope and the X-ray diffractometer are the two most important tools. The optical microscope uses radiation in the visible range of wavelengths (0.4–0.7 mm) to form an image of an object in either reflected or transmitted light. In X-ray diffraction the wavelengths used


B a

A C b

Figure 1.32 All six elements of a spherical triangle represent angles. There is a simple trigonometrical relationship linking all six angles (see text).


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

v a1=a2=a3

γ =120°



γ a


a2 γ a1


a3 Figure 1.33 The hexagonal unit cell showing the use of a four-axis coordinate system, u(a1), v (a2), t(a3) and w(c).

to probe the microstructure are of the order of the interatomic and interplanar spacings in crystals (0.5–0.05 nm). The electron microscope uses a wide range of electron beam energies to probe the microstructure of a specimen. In TEM energies of several hundred kilovolts are common, while in SEM the beam energy may be as low as 1 kV. The interaction of a probe beam with the sample may be either elastic or inelastic. Elastic interaction involves the scattering of the beam without loss of energy, and is the basis of diffraction analysis, either using X-rays or high energy electrons. Inelastic interactions may (1010) (1120)

(2110) (2021) (1121) (1122)








(0221) (1101)

(0111) (0112)

(1211) (1212)



(1212) (1211)




(0112) (0111)

(1101) (2201)


(1012) (2112)



(0110) (2111)



(2021) (1120)

(2110) (1010)

Figure 1.34 A basal plane stereogram for zinc [hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure], illustrating the use of the four Miller index system (hkil) for hexagonal crystal symmetry.

The Concept of Microstructure 45

result in contrast in an image formed from elastically scattered radiation (as when one phase absorbs light while another reflects or transmits the light). Inelastic interactions can also be responsible for the generation of a secondary signal. In the scanning electron microscope the primary, high-energy electron beam generates low energy, secondary electrons that are collected from a scanned raster to form the image. Inelastic scattering and energy adsorption is also the basis of many microanalytical techniques for the determination of local chemical composition. Both the energy lost by the primary beam and that generated in the secondary signal may be characteristic of the atomic number of the chemical elements present in the sample beneath the probe. The energy dependence of this signal (the energy spectrum) provides information that identifies the chemical constituents that are present, while the intensity of the signal can be related to the chemical composition. Many engineering properties of materials are sensitive to the microstructure, which in turn depends on the processing conditions. That is, the microstructure is affected by the processing route, while the structure-sensitive properties of a material (not just the mechanical properties) are, in their turn, determined by the microstructure. This includes the microstructural features noted above (grains and particles) as well as various defects in the microstructure, for example porosity, microcracks and unwanted inclusions (phases associated with contamination). The ability of any experimental technique to distinguish closely-spaced features is termed the resolution of the method and is usually limited by the wavelength of the probe radiation, the characteristics of the probe interaction with the specimen and the nature of the image-forming system. In general, the shorter the wavelength and the wider the acceptance angle of the imaging system for the signal, then the better will be the resolution. Magnifications of the order of ·1000 are more than enough to reveal all the microstructural features accessible to the optical microscope. On the other hand, the wavelength associated with energetic electrons is very much less than the interplanar spacings in crystals, so that the transmission electron microscope is potentially able to resolve the crystal lattice itself. The resolution of the scanning electron microscope is usually limited by inelastic scattering events that occur in the sample. This resolution is of the order of a few nanometres for secondary electrons, but only of the order of 1 mm for the characteristic X-rays emitted by the different chemical species Some microscopic methods of materials characterization are capable of resolving individual atoms, in the sense that the images observed reflect a physical effect associated with these atoms. Scanning probe microscopy includes scanning tunnelling and atomic force microscopy, both of which can probe the nanostructure on the atomic scale. Many microstructural features may be quantitatively described by microstructural parameters. Two important examples are the volume fraction of a second phase and the grain or particle size, both of which usually have a major effect on mechanical properties. In many cases the microstructure within any given sample varies, either with respect to direction (anisotropy), or with respect to position (inhom*ogeneity). Crystal structure (or the lack of it, in an amorphous or glassy material) reflects the nature of the chemical bonding, and the four types of chemical bond, covalent, ionic, metallic and polar (or van der Waals), are responsible for the major properties of the common classes of engineering materials, namely metals and alloys (metallic bonding), ceramics and glasses (covalent and ionic bonding), polymers and plastics (polar and covalent bonding), and semiconductors (primarily covalent bonding).


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

In a crystal structure the arrangement of the atoms, ions or molecules is regularly repeated in a characteristic spatial array. The unit cell of this crystal lattice is the smallest unit that contains all the symmetry elements of the bulk crystal, and each cluster of identically arranged atoms in this unit cell can be represented by a single lattice point. There are 14 possible ways of arranging these lattice points to give distinctly different lattice symmetries, the 14 Bravais lattices. Characteristic directions in the crystal lattice correspond to a particular atomic sequence and can be defined by direction indices, while any set of parallel atomic planes can be defined by the normal to these planes, given as Miller indices. Both the direction and the Miller indices are conveniently plotted in two dimensions by mapping them onto an imaginary plane using a stereographic projection. This projection has proved to be the most useful of the geometrically possible mapping options.

Bibliography 1. Villars, P. and Calvert, L.D. (1985) Pearson’s Handbook of Crystallographic Data for Intermetallic Phases, Volumes 1–3, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH. 2. Hahn, T. (ed.), (1992) International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A, Space Group Symmetry, Kluwer Academic, London. 3. Barrett, C. and Massalski, T.B. (1980) Structure of Metals, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 4. Callister, W.D. (2006) Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.

Worked Examples To demonstrate the type of information that can be obtained, we conclude each chapter with examples of microstructural characterization for three different material systems. In this first chapter we examine the crystallographic structure of the phases to be encountered in future chapters and examine the basic use of the stereographic projection. Having seen in this chapter how the literature data can be used to understand the crystal structure of copper, we now look at two slightly more complicated crystal structures that will be considered later. The first is Fe3C, iron carbide or cementite, which exists in equilibrium with a-Fe in most steels (see the Fe–C equilibrium phase diagram). Pearsons Handbook of Crystallographic Data for Intermetallic Phases lists the data according to the format presented in Table 1.4. Table 1.4 Crystallographic data for Fe3C, iron carbide or cementite, which exists in equilibrium with a-Fe in most steels


Structure type

Pearson symbol space group



oP16 Pnma

a, b, c (nm) 0.50890 0.67433 0.45235

a, b, g ( )


Point set


C Fe1 Fe2

4c 4c 8d

890 250 450 100 036 250 852 100 186 063 328 100




The Concept of Microstructure 47

Figure 1.35 Schematic drawing of the structure of Fe3C (cementite) for (a) a single unit cell and (b) eight unit cells. The red spheres represent ions atoms, and the black spheres represent carbon atoms.

Note that the name of the phase is listed as CFe3, not Fe3C, the more accepted chemical designation for cementite. This is because Pearson’s handbook lists the chemical constituents in alphabetical order. We also note that CFe3 is listed as the structure type for this structure, and that it has a primitive (P) orthorhombic (o) structure with 16 (16) atoms per unit cell. It belongs to the space group Pnma, and has three generating sites; one for carbon, which generates a total of four carbon atoms per unit cell, and two for iron (Fe1 and Fe2). The first of these iron atoms (Fe1) generates a total of four atoms while the second (Fe2) generates a total of eight atoms, giving a total of 12 iron atoms per unit cell. Since cementite is a stoichiometric phase, the occupation of each site is constant (there is no significant solid solubility), and the occupation factor for each generating site is therefore 100 %. A schematic drawing of the unit cell, with 16 atoms is given in Figure 1.35(a), and eight unit cells with a more conventional representation (showing the atoms belonging to the neighbouring cells and reflecting the full symmetry of the structure) is shown in Figure 1.35(b). Our second example is a-Al2O3, known as sapphire in its single crystal form (the same name as the gem stone) and alumina or corundum in the polycrystalline form. This is the thermodynamically stable form of alumina. The data given in ‘Pearson’s handbook are presented in Table 1.5. The crystallographic data for a-Al2O3 can be quite confusing. We note that the structure has rhombohedral symmetry, with 10 atoms per unit cell (hR10), and a space group of R3c. However, the lattice parameters are listed for a hexagonal unit cell (a ¼ 0.4754 nm and c ¼ 1.299 nm). Checking the International Tables for Crystallography under the space group Table 1.5 Crystallographic data for a-Al2O3 (hexagonal unit cell).


Pearson Symbol Structure and space type group

Al2O3 Al2O3

a, b, c (nm)

hR10 R3c 0.4754 1.299

Point a, b, g Atoms set x ( ) Al 0

12c 18e

0000 3064




0000 0000

3523 2500

100 100


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 1.36 Schematic drawing of the hexagonal (a) and rhombohedral (b) unit cells of aAl2O3. The red spheres represent oxygen anions, and the black spheres represent aluminium cations.

R 3c, you will note that there are two alternative ways to describe this unit cell, the first based on a rhombohedral unit cell, with 10 atoms per unit cell, and the second based on a hexagonal representation, with 30 atoms per unit cell. The symmetry of the structure is not changed by using the hexagonal representation, and it is often more convenient to use the hexagonal unit cell, even though not all of the symmetry operations for the higher symmetry hexagonal structure are correct for a-Al2O3. The generating sites listed in Pearson’s handbook are for the hexagonal unit cell, and includes 12 aluminium cations and 18 oxygen anions, giving a total of 30 atoms per hexagonal unit cell. The structure is stoichiometric, so the occupation factors for both cations and anions are 100 %. A schematic drawing of the two alternative rhombohedral and hexagonal unit cells is given in Figure 1.36. The crystallographic data for a rhombohedral unit cell are presented in Table 1.6. Throughout the rest of this book we will use the hexagonal unit cell to describe a-Al2O3. Now let us examine some of the basic uses of the stereographic projection. As described earlier, a stereographic projection is a map that plots the angles between different crystallographic directions and plane normals. Of course, we could also calculate these angles, and today this is done with computer programs, which use the equations listed in Table 1.6 Crystallographic data for a-Al2O3 (rhombohedral unit cell). Pearson symbol Structure and Space Phase type group Al2O3 Al2O3

a, b, c (nm)

a, b, g Point ( ) Atoms set x

hR10 R3c 0.51284 55.28 Al 0

4c 6e




3520 3520 3520 100 5560 0560 2500 100

The Concept of Microstructure 49 (1010) (2110)



(1121) (1011)




(1122) (1012)


(0111) (1102)






(1212) (1211)





(1101) (1012) (2112) (1100)

(1122) (1011)





(2110) (1010)

Figure 1.37 The (0001) stereographic projection for a-Ti (hexagonal).

Appendix I. Nevertheless, the stereographic projection is a useful visual representation of the angular relationships between different crystallographic planes and directions. Titanium metal (Ti) is our example for a stereographic projection. Both body-centred cubic and hexagonal phases exist but the phase a-Ti has the hexagonal structure, with lattice parameters a ¼ 0.29504 nm and c ¼ 0.46833 nm. The stereographic projection (the angular relationships for crystal planes and directions) of any cubic unit cell is independent of the lattice parameter, but this is not true for other structures (compare the equations at the end of the chapter), and for a-Ti we need the ratio of the lattice parameters c/a in order to plot the stereographic projection accurately. Figure 1.37 shows the (0001) basal plane stereographic projection for a-Ti. In principle, we could centre the projection on any other convenient crystallographic direction or plane normal, or even use a coordinate system based on the sample geometry, if this were to prove more convenient. Assume we are interested in finding which planes lie at an angle of 90 to the basal (0001) plane. We draw a great circle (using a Wulff Net or our computer program), and for this simple case the great circle is just the perimeter of the stereogram. We see that all planes having indices (hki0) are at 90 from (0001). Simple! Now let us find the planes which are 90 from the direction½1122. Again we select a great circle, but this time with its centre on the direction ½1122 (Figure 1.38). It is important to note that the direction ½11 22 and the pole of the plane ð1122Þ do not coincide on the projection in Figure 1.38, since ½11 22 is not normal to ð1122Þ in the hexagonal lattice. This new great circle passes through all the planes which are perpendicular to ½1122, and hence contain the ½11 22 direction. Of course the stereogram also shows planes whose normals are at angles other than 90 to a chosen direction or plane normal. An example is given in Figure 1.39: the planes


Microstructural Characterization of Materials (1010) (2110)



(1121) (1011)




(1122) (1012)


(0111) (1102)






(1212) (1211)





(1101) (1012) (2112) (1100)

[1122] (1122)

(1011) (2111)




(2110) (1010)

Figure 1.38 pole.

The stereographic projection for a-Ti, showing a great circle at 90 to the ½11 22

(1010) (2110)



(1121) (1011)




(1122) (1012)


(0111) (1102)






(1212) (1211)





(1101) (1012) (2112) (1100)

(1122) (1011)





(2110) (1010)

Figure 1.39 The (0001) stereographic projection for a-Ti, with a small circle construction showing planes at an angle of 60 to the ð1120Þ plane.

The Concept of Microstructure 51

whose poles make an angle of 60 with the normal to the ð1120Þ plane lie on a small circle centred about the normal to ð11 20Þ. Only an arc of the small circle appears within the stereographic projection circle, and this arc corresponds to the angles lying in the northern hemisphere of the projection sphere. The remainder of the small circle can be back-projected from the north pole of the projection sphere. (Note again that the centre of any small circle on the stereographic projection is not at the geometric centre of that circle.)

Problems 1.1. Give three examples of common microstructural features in a polycrystalline, polyphase material. In each case give one example of a physical or mechanical property sensitive to the presence of the feature. 1.2. Give three examples of processing defects which might be present in a bulk material. 1.3. Distinguish between elastic and inelastic scattering of a probe beam of radiation incident on a solid sample. 1.4. What is meant by the term diffraction spectrum? 1.5. Give three examples of structure-sensitive and three examples of structure-insensitive properties of engineering solids. 1.6. What magnification would be needed to make the following features visible to the eye: (a) a 1 mm blowhole in a weld bead; (b) the 10 mm diameter grains in a copper alloy; (c) lattice planes separated by 0.15 nm in a ceramic crystal? 1.7. Why is the resolution attainable in the electron microscope so much better than that of the optical microscope? 1.8. To what extent can we claim to see the ‘real’ features of any microstructure? 1.9. Give three examples of microstructural parameters and, in each case, suggest one way in which these parameters are linked quantitatively to material properties. 1.10. Define the terms symmetry, crystal lattice and lattice point. 1.11. What features of a crystal lattice are described by the directional indices [uvw] and the Miller indices (hkl)? (Note, be very careful and very specific!) 1.12. Using literature data, define the unit cell and give the atomic positions for the following materials: (a) Al; (b) a-Ti;


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

(c) a-Fe; (d) TiN. 1.13. From the crystallographic data for aluminium metal, obtained in the previous question, calculate the minimum distance between neighbouring atoms in an aluminium crystal. Compare this value with the diameter of the aluminium atom listed in the periodic table. Which crystallographic direction (or plane) did you use for your calculation and why? 1.14. Find the total number of equivalent planes in the cubic structure (multiplicity factor) belonging to the following families: (a) {100}; (b) {110}; (c) {111}; (d) {210}; (e) {321}. 1.15. Calculate the separation of the ð 1012Þ crystal planes in the a-Al2O3 structure (their d-spacing). Do the same for the ð10 12Þ planes. Are these planes crystallographically equivalent? (Hint: remember the symmetry is actually rhombohedral, not hexagonal.) 1.16. Compare the planar density (number of atoms per unit area) for the following planes in an FCC structure containing one atom per lattice point: (a) {100}; (b) {110}; (c) {111}. Which plane has the highest planar density? 1.17. Repeat the previous question for the BCC structure, also with one atom per lattice point. 1.18. Retrieve the crystallographic data for lead telluride (PbTe). List the positions of the atoms in the unit cell. How many atoms belong to each unit cell? What is the Bravais lattice for this material? 1.19. The compound Mg2Si has a cubic structure. Determine the positions of the atoms and calculate the density of this phase. What is the Bravais lattice? Sketch the unit cell and the positions of the Mg and Si atoms. 1.20. Assume that the initial oxidation rate of a reactive metal depends on the planar density of atoms at the surface. What would then be the relative rate of oxidation expected for the ð1 100Þ and ð 12 10Þ polished surfaces of a Mg crystal? 1.21. The phase a-U has an orthorhombic structure. How many atoms are in each unit cell? What are their locations? Determine the d-spacing (distance between planes) for ð1 11Þ, ð1 10Þ, ð101Þ, and ð210Þ in this phase. 1.22. Show that a FCC unit cell could also be described as a primitive rhombohedral unit cell. What is the relationship between the rhombohedral lattice parameters and the cubic lattice parameter? 1.23. Sketch the stacking sequence of the (111) atomic planes for FCC cobalt (one atom per lattice point). Do the same for (0002) planes in HCP cobalt. (Note, there are two atoms per lattice point in the HCP structure.) Compare the planar densities of the two planes.

The Concept of Microstructure 53

1.24. The surface of a cubic single crystal is parallel to the (001) plane. (a) Determine the angle between the (115) plane and the surface. Do the same for the (224) plane. (b) Determine the angle between the (115) and (224) planes. (c) What is the zone-axis that contains both the (115) and the (224) planes? (d) What is the angle and axis of rotation (the rotation vector) required to bring the (115) plane parallel to what was originally the (224) plane?

2 Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure Radiation that strikes an object may be scattered or absorbed. When the scattering is entirely elastic, no energy is lost in the process, and the wavelength (energy) of the scattered radiation remains unchanged. The regular arrays of atoms in a crystal lattice interact elastically with radiation of sufficiently short wavelength, to yield a diffraction spectrum in which the intensity of the radiation that is scattered out of the incident beam is plotted as a function of the scattering angle (Figure 2.1). As we shall see below, the scattering angle is twice the angle of diffraction y. Both the diffraction angles and the intensities in the various diffracted beams are a sensitive function of the crystal structure. The diffraction angles depend on the Bravais point lattice and the unit cell dimensions, while the diffracted intensities depend on the atomic numbers of the constituent atoms (the chemical species) and their geometrical relation with respect to the lattice points. A diffraction pattern or spectrum may be analysed at two levels. A crystalline material may be identified from its diffraction spectrum by comparing the diffraction angles that correspond to the peaks in the spectrum and their relative intensities with a diffraction standard (for example, the JCPDS file). In this procedure the diffraction spectrum is treated as a ‘fingerprint’ of the crystal structure in order to identify the crystalline phases as unambiguously as possible. Alternatively, the diffraction spectrum may be compared with a calculated spectrum, derived from some hypothetical model of the crystal structure. The extent to which the predicted spectrum fits the measured data, the degree of fit, then determines the confidence with which the model chosen is judged to represent the crystal structure. In general, any measured spectrum is first compared with existing data, but if there are serious discrepancies with the known standard spectra then it may be necessary to search for a new model of the crystal lattice in order to explain the results. In recent years, computer procedures have been developed to aid in interpreting crystallographic data, and much of the uncertainty and tedium of earlier procedures has been eliminated. Microstructural Characterization of Materials - 2nd Edition 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

David Brandon and Wayne D. Kaplan


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Intensity (a.u.)







α -Fe

α -Fe 0 30






α -Fe 90


2θ (deg) Figure 2.1 Diffraction spectrum from a 0.4 %C steel (Cu Ka radiation, 0.154 nm). Most of the peaks are due to BCC a-Fe, but the asymmetry of the major peak is associated with an overlapping Fe3C peak.


Scattering of Radiation by Crystals

The condition for a crystalline material to yield a discrete diffraction pattern is that the wavelength of the radiation should be comparable with, or less than the interatomic spacing in the lattice. In practice this means that either X-rays, high energy electrons or neutrons may be used to extract structural information on the crystal lattice. Although suitable sources of neutron radiation are now more readily accessible, they are not generally available. The present text is therefore limited to a discussion of the elastic scattering of X-ray and electron beams, although much of the theory is independent of the nature of the radiation. The required specimen dimensions are dictated by the nature of the radiation employed to obtain the diffraction pattern. All materials are highly transparent to neutrons, and it is quite common for neutron diffraction specimens to be several centimetres thick. X-rays, however, especially at the wavelengths normally used (0.1 nm), are strongly absorbed by engineering materials and X-ray diffraction data are limited to submillimetre surface layers, fine powders or small crystals. Electron beams used in transmission electron microscopy may have energies of up to a few hundred kilovolts (kV), and at these energies inelastic scattering dominates when the specimen thickness exceeds a tenth of a micrometre. Electron diffraction data are therefore limited to submicrometre specimen thicknesses. Thus, even though neutrons, X-rays and electrons may be diffracted by the same crystal structure, the data collected will refer to a very different sample volume, with important implications for the specimen geometry, data interpretation and the procedures used to select and prepare specimens. 2.1.1

The Laue Equations and Bragg’s Law

A one-dimensional array of atoms interacting with a parallel beam of radiation of wavelength l, incident at an angle a0 will scatter the beam to an angle a and generate a path difference D between the incident and scattered beams (Figure 2.2):

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 57

Figure 2.2 When the path difference between the incident and the scattered beams from a row of equidistant point scatterers is equal to an integral number of wavelengths, then the scattered beams are in phase, and the amplitudes scattered by each atom will reinforce each other (see text).

D ¼ (y x) ¼ a(cos a cos a0), where a is the interatomic spacing. The two beams will be in phase, and hence reinforce each other, if D ¼ hl, where h is an integer. Now consider a crystal lattice made up of a three-dimensional array of atoms represented by regularly spaced lattice points that are set at the corners of a primitive unit cell with lattice parameters a, b, and c. The condition that the scattered (diffracted) beam will be in phase with the incident beam for this three-dimensional array of lattice points is now given by a set of three equations, known as the Laue equations: D ¼ aðcosacosa0 Þ ¼ hl


D ¼ bðcosbcosb0 Þ ¼ kl


D ¼ cðcosgcosg0 Þ ¼ ll


The cosines of the angles a, b and g, and a0, b0 and g0 define the directions of the incident and the diffracted beams with respect to the unit cell of this crystal lattice. The choice of the integers hkl, which are identical to the notation used for Miller indices (Section, is, as we shall see below, by no means fortuitous. A more convenient, and completely equivalent, form of the geometrical relation determining the angular distribution of the peak intensities in the diffraction spectrum from a regular crystal lattice is the Bragg equation: nl ¼ 2 dsin


where n is an integer, l is the wavelength of the radiation, d is the spacing of the crystal lattice planes responsible for a particular diffracted beam, and y is the diffraction angle, the angle the incident beam makes with the planes of lattice points (Figure 2.3). The assumption made in deriving the Bragg equation is that the planes of atoms responsible for a diffraction peak behave as a specula mirror, so that the angle of incidence y is equal to the angle of reflection. The path difference between the incident beam and the beams reflected from two consecutive planes is then (x y) in Figure 2.3. The scattering angle between the incident and the reflected beams is 2y, and y ¼ x(cos2y). But cos(2y) ¼ 1 2 sin2y, while x(siny)¼ d, the interplanar spacing, so that (x y) ¼ 2d siny. The distance d between the lattice


Microstructural Characterization of Materials




Figure 2.3 If each plane of atoms in the crystal behaves as a mirror, so that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, then the condition for the beams reflected from successive planes to be in phase, and hence reinforce each other, is given by Bragg’s law (see text).

planes is a function of the Miller indices of the planes and the lattice parameters of the crystal lattice. The general equations (for all Bravais lattices) are as follows: 1 1 ¼ ðS11 h2 þ S22 k2 þ S33 l2 þ 2S12 hk þ 2S23 kl þ 2S31 lhÞ d2 V 2 where V is the volume of the unit cell: pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi V ¼ abc 1cos2 acos2 bcos2 g þ 2cosacosbcosg



and the constants Sij are given by: S11 ¼ b2 c2 sin2 a S22 ¼ c2 a2 sin2 b

S33 ¼ a2 b2 sin2 g

ð2:5aÞ ð2:5bÞ

S12 ¼ abc2 ðcosacosbcosgÞ


S23 ¼ a2 bcðcosbcosgcosaÞ


S31 ¼ ab2 cðcosgcosacosbÞ


For an orthorhombic lattice, for which a ¼ b ¼ g ¼ 90 , these equations reduce to: 2 2 2 1 h k l ¼ þ þ ð2:6Þ d2 a b c with V ¼abc. In the Bragg equation, nl ¼ 2d siny, the integer n is referred to as the order of reflection. A first-order hkl reflection (n ¼ 1) corresponds to a path difference of a single wavelength between the incident and the reflected beams from the (hkl) planes, while a second-order reflection corresponds to a path difference of two wavelengths. However, from the Bragg equation, this path difference of two wavelengths for the second-order dhkl reflection is exactly equivalent to a single wavelength path difference from planes of atoms at one half the dhkl spacing, and therefore corresponds to planes with Miller indices (2h 2k 2l). It is therefore common practice to label the nth order reflection as coming from planes having a

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 59







Figure 2.4 The FCC (a) and BCC (b) Bravais lattices contain additional planes of lattice points which lead to some forbidden reflections that are characteristic of these crystal structures. The darker lattice points are to the front of the unit cells.

spacing dhkl/n, and with Miller indices (nh nk nl). The Bragg equation is then written l ¼ 2dhkl siny, where the subscript hkl is now understood to refer to a specific order n of the hkl reflection. For example d110, d220 and d440 would be the first-, second- and fourth-order reflecting planes for the 110 reflections. 2.1.2

Allowed and Forbidden Reflections

Body-centred or face-centred Bravais lattices have planes of lattice points that give rise to destructive (out-of-phase) interference for some orders of reflection. In the BCC lattice (Figure 2.4), the lattice point at 1/2 1/2 1/2 scatters in phase for all orders of the 110 reflections, but will give rise to destructive interference for odd orders of the 100 reflections, that is 100, 300, 500, etc.It isinstructiveto list the allowedreflectionsforprimitive,BCCandFCCBravais lattices as a function of the integer (h2 þ k2 þ l2), (Table 2.1). For cubic symmetry the Bragg equation can be rearranged to giveðh2 þ k2 þ l2 Þ ¼ 2a sin=l, leading to a regular array of diffracted beams. As can be seen, some values of h2 þ k2 þ l2 are always absent, and 7 is the first of these. Other integers may correspond to more than one reflection, and both the 221 and the 300 planes, corresponding to h2 þ k2 þ l2 ¼ 9, will diffract at the same angle y. Those reflections which are disallowed for a particular lattice are referred to as forbidden reflections, and there are simple rules to determine which reflections are forbidden. In the FCC lattice the Miller indices must be either all odd or all even for a reflection to be allowed, and it is the reflecting planes with mixed odd and even indices that are forbidden. In the BCC lattice the sum h þ k þ l must be even for an allowed reflection, and if the sum of the Miller indices is odd, then the reflection is forbidden. In some diffraction spectra the sequence of the diffraction peaks may be recognized immediately as due to a specific Bravais lattice. For example, the two sets of paired reflections (111 and 200, and then 311 and 222) are characteristic of FCC symmetry. More often, careful measurements and calculations are needed to identify the crystal symmetry responsible for a given diffraction pattern. In most crystals the crystal lattice points correspond to groups of atoms, rather than individual atoms, and the different atomic species will scatter more or less strongly, depending on their atomic number (the number of electrons attached to each atom). In the


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Table 2.1 Allowed reflections in crystals of cubic symmetry with one atom per lattice site, listed in order of the sum of the squares of the Miller indices. h2 þ k2 þ l2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Primitive cubic

Face-centred cubic

Body-centred cubic

100 110 111 200 210 211 – 220 221/300 310 311 222 320 321 – 400

– – 111 200 – – – 220 – – 311 222 – – – 400

– 110 – 200 – 211 – 220 – 310 – 222 – 321 – 400

FCC NaCl structure, (Figure 2.5) the sodium cations are located at the lattice points, while the chlorine anions are displaced from the lattice points by a constant lattice vector 1/2 0 0. Two types of lattice plane now exist, those that contain both cations and anions (mixed planes), such as {200} and {220}, and those that consist of an equi-spaced, alternating sequence of pure anion and cation planes, such as {111} and {311}. Since the cations and anions in the mixed planes are coplanar, the two species always scatter in-phase, and the intensities of the diffraction peaks are enhanced by the additional scattering of the second atomic species. However, the alternating planes of cations and anions scatter out of phase for all the odd-order reflecting planes, and hence reduce the diffracted intensity, while the same alternating cation and anion planes will scatter in-phase for all even-order reflections, thus enhancing the scattered intensity. The extent to which the second atomic species will enhance or reduce the diffracted intensity will depend on the difference in scattering power associated with the difference in the atomic numbers of the two atomic species.


Reciprocal Space

Bragg’s law indicates that the angles of diffraction are inversely proportional to the spacing of the reflecting planes in the crystal lattice. In order to analyse a diffraction pattern it is therefore helpful to establish a three-dimensional coordinate system in which the axes have the dimensions of inverse length (nm1). Such a system of coordinates is referred to as reciprocal space. 2.2.1

The Limiting Sphere Construction

The value of siny is constrained to lie between 1, so that, from Bragg’s law, the value of 1/d must fall in the range between 0 and 2/l if the parallel planes of atoms are to give rise to a diffracted beam. If the beam of radiation is incident along the x-axis, and a diffracting

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 61

Figure 2.5 In the NaCl structure each lattice point corresponds to one cation and one anion. These different ions are coplanar for the 200 planes, and therefore scatter in-phase, enhancing the 200 diffraction peak. By contrast, the 111 planes of cations and anions are interleaved, and lead to out of phase interference, reducing the intensity of the 111 diffraction peak. The larger anions (red) are distinguished from the smaller cations (grey).

crystal is located at the origin of the coordinate system, then a sphere of radius 2/l, termed the limiting sphere, will enclose all the allowed values of 1/d in reciprocal space and hence define all the planes in the crystal that have the potential to diffract at the wavelength l. Now imagine a smaller sphere of radius 1/l that lies within this limiting sphere and is placed so that it just touches the limiting sphere on the x-axis, and hence also touches the position of the crystal (Figure 2.6). A line passing through the centre of this second sphere, called the reflecting sphere, which is parallel to the diffracted beam and makes an angle 2y with the x-axis, will intersect the periphery of the reflecting sphere at the point P. 2.2.2

Vector Representation of Bragg’s Law

The two vectors k0 and k in Figure 2.6 define the wave vectors of the incident and diffracted beams, |k0| ¼ |k| ¼ 1/l, and, if the reciprocal lattice vector OP is equal to g, then |g| ¼ 1/d, and Bragg’s law l ¼ 2d siny, can be written as a vector equation: k0 þ g ¼ k. Note that the reciprocal lattice vector g is perpendicular to the diffracting planes, while the wave vectors k0 and k are parallel to the incident and diffracted beams, respectively. As we shall see later, this vector form of the Bragg equation can be very useful indeed. 2.2.3

The Reciprocal Lattice

We can now define a lattice in reciprocal space that is in some ways analogous to the Bravais lattice in real space (Figure 2.7). The origin of coordinates in reciprocal space is the point


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Diffracted Beam

P k


Incident Beam


2θ O Limiting Sphere

Reflecting Sphere

Figure 2.6 The limiting sphere and reflecting sphere constructions (see text for details).

(000) and lies at the position of the crystal, in the centre of the limiting sphere construction (Figure 2.6). Any reciprocal lattice vector ghkl, drawn from this origin to the reciprocal lattice point (hkl), will be normal to the reflecting planes that have the Miller indices (hkl). The distance from 000 to hkl, |ghkl|, is equal to 1/dhkl, so that the successive orders of reflection, 1 to n, are represented by a series of equidistant reciprocal lattice points that lie along a straight line in reciprocal space whose origin is at (000). Note that negative values of n are perfectly legitimate in this representation. Lattice planes in real space

1/d 100

1/d 200




Reciprocal lattice points in reciprocal space

d 100

d 200

Figure 2.7 The definition of reciprocal lattice points in terms of the lattice planes of a crystal, defined by their Miller indices. The example shown here is for the cube planes (h00).

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 63

The condition for Bragg’s law to be obeyed is that the reciprocal lattice vector g should lie on the reflecting sphere. This can be achieved by varying either l or y, as we shall see later. The Reciprocal Lattice Unit Cell. The dimensions of the reciprocal lattice unit cell can be defined in terms of the corresponding Bravais lattice unit cell. The general equations are: a* ¼

bc sina; V

b* ¼

ca sinb; V

c* ¼

ab sing V


where V is the volume of the unit cell. It is important to note that the reciprocal lattice axes a*, b* and c* of the unit cell in reciprocal space are, in general, not parallel to the axes of the unit cell a, b and c in real space. This is consistent with the previous treatment of direction indices and Miller indices. The axes of the unit cell in real space correspond to the direction indices [100], [010] and [001], while the axes of the reciprocal unit cell correspond to the Miller indices (100), (010) and (001) and are aligned normal to the planes (100), (010) and (001). It should now begin to be clear just why we define Miller indices in terms of reciprocal lengths, and a comparison of the reciprocal lattices for FCC and BCC Bravais lattices may help to clarify this even more. Figure 2.8 compares the two reciprocal lattices. In this figure all forbidden reflections have been excluded. Both reciprocal lattice unit cell dimensions are defined by g vectors of type 200. The FCC reciprocal lattice unit cell contains a bodycentred allowed reciprocal lattice point at 111. This reciprocal lattice cell is therefore BCC, while the BCC reciprocal lattice unit cell contains allowed face-centred reciprocal lattice points of the type 110, and is therefore FCC. Reciprocal lattice points in any direction can be derived by simple vector addition and subtraction. The series 020, 121 and 222 thus constitute a series of reflections that lie along a line in BCC reciprocal space. Each reflection is separated from the next in the series by the reciprocal lattice vector 101. Similarly, the sequence of reflections 200, 111, 022 in FCC reciprocal space are separated by the vector 111. Any two nonparallel reflections g1 and g2 define a plane in reciprocal space. Their common zone n, and any other reflection also lying in this zone g3 must obey the rules of vector geometry, that is g1 · g2 ¼ n, and n·g3 ¼ 0.


X-Ray Diffraction Methods

We now take a closer look at the limiting sphere and reflecting sphere, this time with a reciprocal lattice superimposed on this construction (Figure 2.9). Three factors determine whether or not a particular crystal plane will give a diffraction peak: 1. The wavelength of the X-rays in the incident beam. Reducing the wavelength of the Xrays increases the diameter of the limiting sphere, and therefore places longer reciprocal lattice vectors, corresponding to smaller interplanar spacings, within the limiting sphere. 2. The angle of the incident beam with respect to the crystal. As the crystal is rotated about its centre (or, equivalently, as the X-ray beam is rotated about the crystal), the reflecting sphere sweeps through the reciprocal lattice points, allowing the different diffracting planes to obey the Bragg law in turn. By rotating about two axes at right angles all the


Microstructural Characterization of Materials







fcc 111 Y




200 220

* X Z*




112 222

202 101


011 121




000 110 200 * X


Figure 2.8 Allowed reflections of the FCC (a) and BCC (b) Bravais lattices plotted in reciprocal space. The FCC reciprocal lattice has BCC symmetry, while the BCC reciprocal lattice has FCC symmetry.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 65

. . Incident beam

. .

. . . . .


. .


. .

Limiting sphere

. g


. .



. .

Reflecting sphere



. . . .

. . 000

. .

. . . . .

. . . .

. . . . .

. . . .

Figure 2.9 Superimposing the reciprocal lattice on the reflecting sphere construction demonstrates the effects of some experimental variables on diffraction (see text).

reciprocal lattice points lying within the limiting sphere can be made to diffract, each at the appropriate Bragg angle yhkl. 3. The effective size of the reciprocal lattice points. If the diffraction condition had to be obeyed exactly, then diffraction would only be observed at the precise Bragg angle. In practice, the reciprocal lattice points have a finite size determined by the size and perfection of the crystal. In addition, inelastic absorption of the incident beam energy limits the path length of the radiation over which elastic scattering dominates, and hence limits the crystal dimensions that can contribute effectively to coherent diffraction Absorption effects are determined by the value of the absorption coefficient. Typical absorption coefficients for X-rays result in path lengths of the order of tens of micrometres before the coherent elastic scattering of the beam becomes blurred by inelastic scattering events. Since interplanar spacings are usually in the range of tenths of a nanometre, it follows that, for large, otherwise perfect crystals, the effective diameter of a reciprocal lattice point (the uncertainty in the value of g) is of the order of 105|g|. As a consequence, the lattice parameters of crystalline phases can be measured with an error that is typically of the order of 10 ppm, quite sufficient to allow for accurate determination of changes in crystal dimensions due to temperature (thermal expansion), alloying additions or applied stress (in particular, residual stresses associated with processing and assembly). For sufficiently small crystallites and heavily deformed crystals it is possible to measure the range of y over which diffraction from a particular hkl plane is observed, and to derive quantitative information on the crystal size or degree of perfection. So far we have assumed that the incident beam is monochromatic and accurately parallel. Again, the effect of these assumptions is best understood from the reflecting sphere construction, now modified as in Figure 2.10. If there is a spread of wavelengths in the


Microstructural Characterization of Materials (a)

λ1 > λ2 Wavelength Dispersive

Reflecting Sphere

Limiting Sphere


Beam Convergence or Divergence Angle

Reflecting Sphere

Limiting Sphere

Figure 2.10 The effect of variations in X-ray wavelength (a) or inadequate collimation of the beam (b) are readily understood from the reflecting sphere construction.

incident beam, then the limiting sphere becomes a shell, and the reflecting sphere generates a ‘new moon’ crescent, within which reciprocal lattice points satisfy the Bragg law. If the incident beam is not strictly parallel, then the reflecting sphere is rotated about the centre of the limiting sphere, by an angle equal to the divergence or, equivalently, the convergence

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 67

angle of the incident beam, generating two crescent volumes within which the Bragg law is satisfied. Both these effects introduce errors into the determination of lattice spacing by X-ray diffraction. These errors depend on the value of |g| and the angle between g and the incident beam. 2.3.1

The X-Ray Diffractometer

An X-ray diffractometer comprises a source of X-rays, the X-ray generator, a diffractometer assembly, a detector assembly and X-ray data collection and processing systems. The diffractometer assembly controls the alignment of the beam, as well as the position and orientation of both the specimen and the X-ray detector. The X-rays are generated by accelerating a beam of electrons onto a pure metal target contained in a vacuum tube. The high energy electrons eject ground-state electrons from the atoms of the target material, creating holes, and X-rays are emitted during the refilling of these ground states. If all the electron energy, usually measured in eV, were to be converted into an X-ray quantum, then the frequency n would be given by the quantum relation eV ¼ hn, where h is Planck’s constant. The X-ray wavelength l is proportional to the reciprocal of this frequency, l ¼ c/n, where c is the velocity of light in the medium through which the X-rays propagate. The condition that all the energy of the exciting electron is used to create a photon sets an upper limit on the frequency of the X-rays generated, and hence a lower limit on the X-ray wavelength. The above relations lead to an inverse dependence of this minimum wavelength on the accelerating voltage of the X-ray tube, which is given (in vacuum) by: lmin ¼ 1.243/V, where l is in nanometres and V is in kilovolts. Above this minimum wavelength, there is a continuous distribution of X-ray wavelengths generated by the incident electron beam, whose intensity increases with both incident electron energy and beam current, as well as with the atomic number of the target (that is, the density of electrons in the target material). This continuous distribution of photon energies and wavelengths in the X-rays emitted from the target is referred to as white radiation or Bremsstrahlung (German for ‘radiation braking’ – the slowing down of the electrons by the emission of photons). Superimposed on the continuous spectrum of white radiation are a series of very narrow and intense peaks, the characteristic radiation of the chemical elements (Figure 2.11). A characteristic peak corresponds to the energy released when the hole in an inner electron shell, created by a collision event, is filled by an electron which originates in a higher energy shell of the same atom. Thus ejection of an electron from the K-shell excites the atom to an energy state EK, and if the hole in the K-shell is then filled by an electron from the L-shell, then the energy of the atom will decay to EL, while the decrease in the energy of the excited atom, (EK EL), will appear as an X-ray photon of fixed wavelength that contributes to the Ka line of the characteristic target spectrum (Figure 2.12). Filling the hole in the K-shell with an electron from the M-shell would have reduced the energy state of the atom even further, to EM, leading to a Kb photon of shorter wavelength than Ka, and a second line in the K-shell spectrum. That is, the residual energy of the excited atom is lower in the EM state than it is in the EL state. Further decay of the energy of the excited atom from the EL and EM energy states will result in the generation of L and M characteristic radiation of much longer wavelength. There are many alternative options for the origin of a donor electron to fill a hole in the L- or


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Relative intensity


Characteristic X-rays 2


X-rays from a molybdenum target at 35 kV Brehmsstrahlung continuum







Wavelength (nm) Figure 2.11 An energetic electron beam striking a solid molybdenum target generates a continuous spectrum of white X-radiation with a sharp cut off at a minimum wavelength, corresponding to the incident electron energy, together with discontinuous, narrow intensity peaks, the characteristic X-radiation from the molybdenum K-shell. Lα Kβ


K-shell L-shell M-shell

Figure 2.12 Characteristic X-radiation is generated by electron transitions involving the inner shells, and the wavelengths are specific to the atomic species present in the target material.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 69 106

EK,L,M (eV)

105 104 103

K 102






Atomic Number [Z] Figure 2.13 The excitation energy required to eject an electron from an inner shell increases with atomic number.

M-shells, so that the characteristic L and M spectra consist of several closely spaced lines. Clearly, a characteristic line can only be generated in the target by the incident beam if the electron energy exceeds the excitation energy of the atom for that line. The excitation energy for the ejection of an electron from a given inner shell of the atom increases with the atomic number of the target material (Figure 2.13), since the electrons in any given shell are more tightly bound to a higher atomic number nucleus. The low atomic number elements in the first row of the periodic table only contain electrons in the K-shell, and hence can only give K-lines, while only the heaviest elements (of high atomic number) have M- and N-lines in their spectra. These spectra can then be very complex (Figure 2.14). K

K series α2 β3 β 2 α1 β

L series LI


{ {






log energy










Figure 2.14 The atomic energy levels and characteristic X-ray spectrum for a uranium atom. After Barratt and Massalski, Structure of Metals, 3rd revised edition, with permission from Pergamon Press.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

If elastic scattering of the X-rays is to dominate their interaction with a sample, then we need to ensure that intensity losses due to inelastic scattering processes are minimized. A monochromatic X-ray beam traversing a thin sample in the x direction loses intensity I at a rate given by dI/dx ¼ mI, where m is the linear absorption coefficient for the X-rays. It is the mass of material traversed by the beam which is important, rather than the sample thickness, so that the values tabulated in the literature are generally for the mass absorption coefficient m/r, where r is the density, rather than the linear absorption coefficient. The transmitted intensity is then given by: m ð2:8Þ I=I0 ¼ exp rx r Two plots of the mass absorption coefficient as a function of the X-ray wavelength are shown in Figure 2.15, one for the case of constructional steel and the other for an aluminium alloy. The lower density aluminium alloy has the lower linear absorption coefficient at any given wavelength. All materials show a general increase in the mass absorption coefficient with wavelength, but with a sequence of step discontinuities. These are referred to as absorption edges, and correspond to the wavelengths at which the incident X-ray photon possesses sufficient energy to ionize the atom by ejecting an inner-shell electron from an atom in the specimen, similar to the ejection of an electron by an energetic incident electron. It follows that the absorption edges are the X-ray equivalents of the minimum excitation energies, involved in the generation of characteristic X-rays, as discussed above. Similar to electron excitation, short wavelength, high energy X-rays can generate secondary characteristic X-rays of longer wavelength in the specimen target, a process termed X-ray fluorescence. Note that in X-ray fluorescent excitation there is no background, and white radiation is not generated. In order to avoid fluorescent radiation and minimize absorption of the incident beam, it is important to select radiation for X-ray diffraction measurements that has a wavelength close

Mass absorption coefficient

10 4


10 3


10 2 10 1

10 0 10 -1







Wavelength (nm) Figure 2.15 The expected dependence of the X-ray mass absorption coefficient on wavelength for iron and aluminium. Note that the linear absorption of the much lighter aluminium will be less than that of iron at all wavelengths.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 71

to an absorption minimum, and on the long wavelength side of the absorption edge for the specimen. Thus Cu Ka radiation (l ¼ 0.154 nm) is a poor choice for diffraction measurements on steels and other iron alloys (EFeK ¼ 7.109 keV, l ¼ 0.17433 nm). However, Co Ka radiation (l ¼ 0.1789 nm) lies just to the long wavelength side of the KFe edge and will therefore give sharp diffraction patterns from steel, free of background fluorescence. Assuming that Co Ka radiation is to be used, then the values of m/r for iron and aluminium are 46 and 67.8, respectively. Inserting the densities of the two metals, 7.88 and 2.70 g.cm3, we can derive the thickness of the sample that will reduce the intensity of the incident beam to 1/e of its initial intensity, namely 27.6 mm for iron and 54.6 mm for aluminium. These values effectively define the thickness of the sample which provides the reflection diffraction signal from solid samples of each metal using co*ka radiation. X-ray diffraction experiments require either monochromatic or white radiation. Monochromatic radiation is generated by exciting K-radiation from a pure metal target and first filtering the beam by interposing a foil that strongly absorbs the b component of the Kradiation without appreciable reduction of the intensity of the a component. This can be accomplished by choosing a filter which has an absorption edge that falls exactly between the Ka and Kb wavelengths. A good example is the use of a nickel filter (ENi K ¼ 0.1488 nm) with a copper target (ECu K ¼ 0.138 nm), transmitting the Cu Ka. beam (0.154 nm) but not the Kb, Figure 2.16(a). More effective selection of a monochromatic beam can be achieved by interposing a single crystal monochromator which is oriented to diffract at the characteristic Ka peak. This monochromatic diffracted beam can then be used either as the source of radiation for the actual sample or to filter the diffracted signal [Figure 2.16(b)]. The monochromator crystal can also be bent into an arc of a circle, so that radiation from a line source striking any point on the arc of the crystal will satisfy the Bragg condition, focusing a diffracted beam from the monochromator to a line at the specimen position [Figure 2.16(c)]. The same effect can be achieved at the detector when the monochromator is placed in the path of the beam diffracted from the specimen. An X-ray spectrum is usually recorded by rotating an X-ray detector about the sample, mounted on the diffractometer goniometer stage. The goniometer allows the sample to be rotated about one or more axes (Figure 2.17). In order to make full use of the potential resolution of the method (determined by the sharpness of the diffraction peaks), the diffractometer must be accurately aligned and calibrated, typically to better than 0.01 . The accurate positioning of the sample is very important, especially when using a bent monochromator in a focusing diffractometer. Any displacement of the plane of the sample will result in a shift in the apparent Bragg angle (Section 2.4.5). Note that if a given plane in the sample is to remain perpendicular to a radius of the focusing circle, then the detector must rotate around the focusing circle at a rate which is twice that of the sample. A number of X-ray detectors can be used (including photographic film), but the commonest is the proportional counter, in which an incident photon ionizes a low pressure gas, generating a cloud of charged ions which are then collected as a current pulse. In the proportional counter the charge carried by the current pulse is proportional to the photon energy, and electronic discrimination can be used to eliminate stray photons whose energy does not correspond to that of the required signal. The present generation of proportional counters have an energy resolution better than 150 eV, and can be used to eliminate most of the background noise associated with white radiation (although they are not able to separate


Microstructural Characterization of Materials


(b) Multi-wavelength noncollimated source

Intensity mass absorption coefficient

Nickel filter

Monochromatic beam at θBragg of the monochromator crystal

θ Bragg

Monochromator Kα Bent monochromator


Kβ 0.12






λ (nm) Figure 2.16 Some important spectrometer features: (a) Cu K radiation filtered by a nickel foil to remove Kb; (b) a monochromator crystal allows a specific wavelength to be selected from an X-ray source; (c) a fully focusing spectrometer maximizes the diffracted intensity collected at the detector.

the Ka and Kb peaks). There is a dead-time associated with the current pulse generated in a proportional counter, and a second photon arriving at the counter within a microsecond or so of the first will not be counted. This sets an upper limit to the counting rate and means that peak intensities recorded at high counting rates may be underestimated. While the maximum thickness of the sample that can be studied by X-ray diffraction is dictated by the mass absorption coefficient for the incident radiation (see above), the lateral dimensions are a function of the diffractometer geometry. For an automated powder diffractometer with a ‘Bragg–Brentano’ geometry the width irradiated perpendicular to the incident beam is typically of the order of 10 mm, while the length of the illuminated patch depends on the angle of incidence, and is typically in the range 1–7 mm (Figure 2.18). The size and spacing of Soller slits (used to collimate the beam and also called divergence slits) determine the area illuminated by the incident beam. For fixed slits, the total illuminated area decreases as the diffraction angle increases (2y), but for sufficiently thick samples, the total irradiated volume is almost independent of 2y. Some Bragg–Brentano diffractometers include an automatic (compensating) divergence slit, which increases the width of the incident beam as the diffraction angle increases. The irradiated volume of the sample then increases with increasing diffraction angle and the calculated integrated

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 73

Focal circle

Detector Source

θ rotation of specimen


2θ Sample

2θ rotation of detector

Figure 2.17 A sample mounted on a goniometer which can be rotated about one or more axis, and a detector which travels along the focusing circle in the Bragg–Brentano geometry.

intensities must then take into account the dependence of integrated intensity on diffracting volume. 2.3.2

Powder Diffraction–Particles and Polycrystals

The grain size of crystalline engineering materials is generally less than the thickness of material contributing to an X-ray diffraction signal. This is also true of many powder samples, whether compacted or dispersed. The general term powder diffraction is used to describe both the nature of the diffraction pattern formed and the subsequent analysis used to interpret diffraction results obtained from these polycrystalline samples. If we assume that the individual grains are both randomly oriented and much smaller than the incident beam cross-section, then this assumption of random orientation is equivalent to allowing the wave vector of the incident beam k0 to take all possible directions in reciprocal space. That is, the reciprocal lattice is rotated freely about its origin (Figure 2.19). All grains that are oriented for Bragg reflection must have g vectors which touch the surface of the reflecting sphere, and it is these grains that then generate diffraction cones that subtend fixed Bragg angles 2y with the incident beam. The innermost cone corresponds to the lattice planes with the largest d-spacing, corresponding to the minimum observed value of y for diffraction. The minimum d-spacing that can be detected is determined by the radius of the limiting sphere, dmin ¼ l/2. As the detector is rotated about an axis normal to the incident


Microstructural Characterization of Materials To detector Source

Soller slits

θ Sample w



θ1 0, f(y) < Z, since at larger scattering angles the electrons around an atom will scatter increasingly out of phase. The y dependence of the atomic scattering factors for iron (Fe), aluminium (Al) and tungsten (W) are shown in Figure 2.25. 2.4.2

Scattering by the Unit Cell

The next step is to derive the amplitude scattered by a unit cell of the crystal structure. Any path difference d between the X-ray beam scattered from an atom at the origin and from another atom elsewhere in the unit cell will correspond to a phase difference between the two scattered beams which is given by j ¼ 2pd=l. If the position of the second atom is defined by the vector r in the direction [uvw], such that the coordinates of the atom in the unit cell are (x, y, z) with u ¼ x/a, v ¼ y/b and w ¼ z/c, and the atom lies on the plane (hkl), defined


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 2.26 Geometry of atomic positions and scattering planes in the unit cell.

by the reciprocal lattice vector g (Figure 2.26), then the phase difference for radiation scattered by these two atoms into the hkl reflection is just: jhkl ¼ 2pðhu þ kv þ lwÞ ¼ 2pg · r


Each atom will scatter an amplitude A, which depends on the atomic scattering factor fZy for that atom, and we can represent both the phase and the amplitude of the scattered wave from each atom by a vector A. Using complex notation, Aeij ¼ Aðcosj þ isinjÞ, and the contribution to the amplitude scattered into the diffracted beam hkl by an atom at uvw in the unit cell will be given by (Figure 2.27):

Resultant amplitude A3



Aisin( φ)

Σ A n isin(φ n)

Aeij / f exp½2piðhu þ kv þ lwÞ ¼ f expð2pig · rÞ



A2 A1

φ2 φ1

ΣA ncos(φn)

Acos( φ)

Figure 2.27 The amplitude–phase diagram and its use to sum the scattered amplitudes contributing to a particular reflection by all the atoms in the unit cell.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 83


The Structure Factor in the Complex Plane

By ignoring the constant of proportionality, which corresponds to the scattering due to a single electron, we can define a normalized scattering factor due to a complete unit cell of the crystal for an hkl reflection by summing the contributions to this reflection from all the N atoms in the unit cell. This new parameter, the structure factor for the hkl reflection, is then given by: Fhkl ¼

N X 1

fn exp½2piðhun þ kvn þ lwn Þ ¼


fn expð2pig · rÞ



Before proceeding further, we note that, in the complex plane, the following relationships hold: 1. eij ¼ cosj þ i sinj, so that the real component of the amplitude is resolved along the x-axis and the imaginary component along the y-axis of phase space. 2. I ¼ jAj·jA* j, that is the intensity scattered by any combination of atoms is derived from the phase space vector amplitude by multiplying the real component of the amplitude by its complex conjugate. 3. enpi ¼ ð1Þn , so that phase angles corresponding to even and odd multiples of p have no imaginary component of the amplitude, and simply add or subtract from the total scattered amplitude. 4. eix þ eix ¼ 2cosx, which is a second condition for no imaginary component. Copper has an FCC unit cell containing four atoms, each atom situated at a Bravais lattice point, so that the values of [uvw] are [0 0 0], [1/2 1/2 0], [1/2 0 1/2] and [0 1/2 1/2]. It follows that the structure factors for copper are given by: Fhkl ¼ f ½1 þ epiðh þ kÞ þ epiðh þ lÞ þ epiðk þ lÞ . If h, k and l are all odd or all even, then Fhkl ¼ 4f, but if h, k and l are mixed integers, then Fhkl ¼ f(1 þ 1 2) ¼ 0, the same result we have noted previously. In the BCC unit cell, characteristic of a-Fe, the atoms are at the two Bravais lattice points [0 0 0] and [1/2 1/2 1/2], and the structure factors are given by Fhkl ¼ f ½1 þ epiðh þ k þ lÞ . For h þ k þ l even it follows that Fhkl ¼ 2f, while if h þ k þ l is odd, then Fhkl ¼ f(1 1) ¼ 0, again as we noted previously. Cubic diamond has an FCC unit cell in which each lattice point corresponds to two atoms, one at the site of the lattice point and the other displaced by a vector [1/4 1/4 1/4]. This is equivalent to two interpenetrating FCC lattices related to one another by this same displacement vector. It follows that the structure factors are given by Fhkl ¼ f ½1 þ epiðh þ kÞ þ epiðh þ lÞ þ epiðk þ lÞ ½1 þ epi=2ðh þ k þ lÞ . There are now three possibilities. For h þ k þ l odd, the amplitude vector for the set of four ‘second’ atoms has no real component and this vector points either vertically up or verticallypdown. In both cases the ffiffiffi structure factor for the allowed FCC reflections is increased by 2 over that for a single atom at the origin. A resultant phase angle of p/4 is introduced. For h þ k þ l even, only the real component exists, and may be either negative, reducing the structure factor of an allowed FCC reflection to zero, or positive, doubling the structure factor to twice the value for a single atom at each lattice point. Finally, consider the case of common salt (NaCl, with an FCC structure). In this case the cations sit on the Bravais lattice points while the anions occupy a second FCC lattice


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

displaced by [1/2 1/2 1/2]. The scattering factors of the cations and anions are different, and the structure factors for the different reflections are now given by the relationship Fhkl ¼ ½1 þ epiðh þ kÞ þ epiðh þ lÞ þ epiðk þ lÞ ½ fNa þ fCl epiðh þ k þ lÞ . Even values of h þ k þ l now result in reinforcement of the intensity for the allowed FCC reflections: Fhkl ¼ 4 (fNa þ fCl), while odd values of h þ k þ l reduce the intensity Fhkl ¼ 4(fNa fCl).


Interpretation of Diffracted Intensities

We are now in a position to summarize all the physical factors that determine the intensity of an observed diffraction peak in a recorded spectrum: 1. The Lorentz polarization factor is associated with scattering of unpolarized electromagnetic radiation: 1 þ cos2 2 ð2:14Þ 2 The exact form of the polarization factor is dependent on the geometry of the diffractometer (see 4 below). 2. The structure factors for the different reflecting planes in the crystal lattice, which include the effect of the atomic scattering factors for all the atoms present in the material: Fhkl ¼


fn exp½2piðhun þ kvn þ lwn Þ



3. The multiplicity of the reflecting planes P, which gives the number of planes belonging to a particular family of Miller indices (determined by the symmetry of the crystal). For example, in cubic crystals, planes whose poles fall within the unit triangle have a multiplicity of 24, since there are 24 unit triangles, while those whose poles that lie along the edges of a unit triangle (and are therefore common to two triangles) have a multiplicity of 12. However, there are four {111} planes in the stereogram, which correspond to the apices of the unit triangles (shared by six triangles) and yield a multiplicity of 4, while the {100} reflections correspond to poles on the coordinate axes, shared by eight triangles, and have a multiplicity of 3. 4. The sampling geometry. In the powder method a collector of finite cross section only samples that proportion of the cone of radiation which is diffracted at the Bragg angle. The fraction of radiation collected is given by the Lorentz-polarization factor: L¼

1 þ cos2 2acos2 2 sin2 cosð1 þ cos2 2aÞ


where y is the diffracting angle determined from Bragg’s law, and a is the diffracting angle of any monochromator in the diffractometer. 5. Absorption effects that depend on the size of the sample and its geometry. In general, absorption can be expected to increase at large values of the diffraction angle. The absorption correction can be written as A0 (y), and can be estimated for given geometries and sample densities, using standard tables of mass absorption coefficients For a thick

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 85

specimen in the Bragg–Brentano diffractometer the absorption factor will not be a function of the diffraction angle and is simply A0 ¼ 1/2 m. Thus this factor cancels when calculated integrated intensities are normalized. 6. Temperature is also an important factor, since at high temperatures random atomic vibration will reduce the coherence of the scattering from the more closely spaced crystal planes, corresponding to the higher values of y. This effect increases with siny/l and is more significant at small d values and larger values of hkl. Assuming an isotropic behaviour, its influence on the overall integrated intensity can be expressed by the factor: e2Bsin




where B ¼ 8p2 U




and U is the mean square displacement of each atom. Summing all the above effects yields a general relationship for the diffracted integrated intensity: 1 þ cos2 2acos2 2 2Bsin2 2 I ¼ kjF j 2 ð2:19Þ PAðÞ·exp l sin cosð1 þ cos2 2aÞ where k represents a scaling factor which includes I0. Equation 2.19 can be used to calculate simulated integrated intensities for any given structure from an appropriate computer program. The net integrated intensity is first calculated for each hkl reflection, and then all the calculated intensities are normalized with respect to the maximum calculated integrated peak intensity, which is assigned a value of 100%: n ¼ Ihkl


Ihkl max ·100 Ihkl


Errors and Assumptions

In the present treatment there is little justification for an exact analysis of the errors involved in X-ray diffraction measurements, but some semi-qualitative discussion is necessary. It is important to distinguish between errors in the measurement of peak positions and errors in the determination of peak intensities. It is especially important to recognize the need for accurate calibration and alignment if small changes in lattice parameter (of the order of 105) are to be resolved. X-ray diffraction may only be able to sample a small volume of material, but this can be an advantage in the analysis of thin films, coatings and solid state devices. Such applications are critical for a wide range of systems where the engineering properties are associated with the surface and nearsurface regions, such as microelectronic components, optronic devices, wear parts and machine tools. The monitoring of surface stress or chemical change at the surface can often be accomplished by X-ray diffraction, and in situ commercial X-ray systems are available for extracting measurements at high temperatures or in a controlled environment.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

As an example, we summarize the errors in measuring lattice parameters by using a diffractometer in the Bragg–Brentano geometry. The Bragg–Brentano diffractometer is the most common automated diffractometer and has a well-defined optical focusing system. The focal circle (Figure 2.28), is tangential to both the source and the specimen surface. Since the specimen is rotated in increments of y, and the detector in increments of 2y, the radius of the focal circle decreases as y increases, and the detector must remain on the (changing) focal circle in order to minimize the spread of the signal beam. These operating conditions control the three major errors in peak measurement that limit the accuracy when determining the lattice spacings and lattice parameters. The first is peak broadening, and is due either to incorrect alignment of the diffractometer, or to misplacement of the specimen within the diffractometer goniometer. This error can

Focal Circle Source


θ1 2θ1







Figure 2.28

The Bragg–Brentano geometry at two different Bragg angles.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 87 R ∆2 θ ∆2 θ

θ h




Figure 2.29 A diffraction signal from below the focusing plane (sample surface) resulting in an error in 2y.

be reduced, either by better alignment or by the use of smaller receiving slits in front of the detector, but residual broadening will always lead to some error in the measurement of the diffraction angle. The second and third sources of error are both directly related to the specimen geometry. The diffraction signal originates from a region beneath the specimen surface, not from the surface itself. This results in an error in the apparent diffraction angle, as illustrated in Figure 2.29. A similar error will result if the specimen is placed either above or below the focal point on the goniometer axis. Using Figure 2.29 we derive the resulting defocus error in y from the relationship: sinD2 sinð1802Þ ¼ h=sin R


and thus: D2 ffi

2hcos R


Finally, Dd D2 cos 2hcos cos2 Da ¼ ¼ ¼k ¼ d tan sin R sin a


Errors in lattice parameter measurements can be reduced by extrapolating the values calculated from each observed diffraction peak to a (hypothetical) value for y ¼ 90 .That is, by plotting the lattice parameters as a function of cos2y/siny and extrapolating to 0. An alternative is to spread some powder from a diffraction standard (with known lattice parameters) on the surface of the specimen. The peak positions due to diffraction from the standard powder can then be used to correct for systematic errors.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Some additional factors should be considered in the measurement of peak intensities, especially those associated with efficient data collection. There are two considerations: the geometry of the sample in the spectrometer, and the response of the detector to the incident photons. Both have been mentioned previously. Some geometrical peak broadening is always associated with the finite diffracting volume in the sample, and while the detector response should remain constant over long periods it will always be wavelength-dependent. Measurement of the comparative intensities from different diffraction peaks (expressed as a percentage of the intensity of the strongest diffracted peak) is an important diagnostic tool, both for identifying unknown phases in the sample, and for refining crystal structure models. Such measurements are sensitive to the presence of preferred orientation. The measured height of a diffraction peak in an experimental spectrum is a rather inaccurate estimate of the relative peak intensity, and it is important to determine the integrated peak intensities, that is the total area under the peak, after subtracting background noise, (Figure 2.30). In addition to a dependence on preferred orientation, the integrated intensity of a diffraction peak may vary with temperature (see above), or as a result of transmission losses (if the specimen thickness is below the characteristic absorption thickness). The reduction in integrated intensity associated with a thin sample can be corrected by multiplying the integrated intensity using a factor that takes into account the pathlength in the sample: ½1expð2mt cosecÞ


For thick specimens, this factor reduces to 1. If the absorption coefficient m is known, then in principle the thickness of a thin sample t can be measured (not very accurately) by comparing the intensities with those from a bulk sample. For random samples, mt is best determined from relative integrated intensities by a refinement procedure based on the entire diffraction spectrum, but we can also compare the intensity ratio of a single pair of


Intensity (a.u.)


Measured Intensity Background

400 300 200 100 0 50





2θ Figure 2.30 A weak diffraction peak, illustrating the calculation of integrated peak intensity from the total area beneath the peak after subtracting background noise.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 89

reflections recorded at two Bragg angles y1 and y2, I(t) ¼ I1/I2 to I(1) for the bulk sample, using the expression: Y¼

I ðt Þ 1expð2mtcosec1 Þ ¼ I ð1Þ 1expð2mtcosec2 Þ


This method of determining thickness is practicable when mt has values in the range 0.01–0.5. Preferred orientation changes the relative values of the integrated peak intensities observed in the diffraction pattern, and reflects the presence of microstructural features that may strongly affect the material properties. Accurate methods for determining preferred orientation, especially the probability of finding a crystal having a specific orientation (the crystallite orientation distribution function) are beyond the scope of this text. However, there is a fairly simple method which is often used to determine qualitative values of texture. This method (termed the Harris method) is based on a relation for the volume fraction of a phase having a crystal orientation lying within a small solid angle dO about an angle (a, b, g) in an inverse pole figure (see below): Pða; b; gÞdO=4p


where P(a, b, g) depends only on a, b, and g. Since every crystal must have some orientation: ZZ 1 Pða; b; gÞdO ¼ 1 ð2:27Þ 4p For randomly oriented materials P is independent of a, b, and g: ZZ P dO ¼ 1 4p


so that P ¼ 1 for a random polycrystal. Values of P greater than one then indicate that the corresponding crystallographic direction has a higher probability than would be found in a random polycrystal, while values of P less than one indicate that this direction is less likely to be found than in a random polycrystal. P can be experimentally determined in a Bragg– Brentano diffractometer using: P 0 I ðhklÞ IðhklÞ P ð2:29Þ Pða; b; gÞ ¼ IðhklÞ I 0 ðhklÞ where I(hkl) is the measured integrated intensity from the plane (hkl) of the sample, and I0 (hkl) is the measured or calculated integrated intensity from the same plane in a randomly oriented standard of the same material. Values of P are plotted on an inverse pole figure. This is a stereographic projection whose coordinate system corresponds to the geometry of the sample and on which contours of relative peak intensity are plotted. The contours of constant P then define the degree of texture relative to the specimen geometry for the hkl reflecting plane used in the measurements. The measured integrated intensities not only indicate the degree of texture for any selected diffracting plane, they can also determine the amount of each phase present in a multiphase material. Quantitative phase analysis is important for determining the effect of different processing parameters on the phase content. To determine the amount of the phase


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

a in a mixture of a and b, we first redefine the integrated intensity in Equation 2.19, isolating the constants and focusing on the significant variables: Ia ¼

K1 ca mm


where ca is the concentration of phase a, mm is the linear absorption coefficient for the mixture of phases, and K1 is a constant. The linear absorption coefficient will depend on the relative amount of each phase present in the mixture: ! mb mm ma þ ob ¼ oa ð2:31Þ rm ra rb where o is the weight-fraction of each phase and r is its density. Rearranging Equation (2.31) and combining with Equation (2.30) yields: Ia ¼

K1 ca ca ðma mb Þ þ mb


Comparing Ia from the phase mixture with Ia from a pure sample of the a phase, we obtain: ma o a r Ia a ¼ ð2:33Þ Ia;p oa ma mb þ mb ra



If we know the mass absorption coefficients for each phase, Equation (2.33) is sufficient for quantitative phase analysis, but if the mass absorption coefficients are unknown then we need to prepare a set of standard specimens (usually mixed powders) and construct a calibration curve. In any case, experimental calibration is usually a good idea, since the variation of Equation (2.33) with oa is nonlinear, as a result of the very different absorption coefficients of the different phases. Many other X-ray diffraction techniques are beyond the scope of this book. These include the X-ray determination of particle size, X-ray residual stress analysis, structure refinement by spectrum fitting (Rietveld analysis) and thin-film X-ray techniques (especially important for semiconductor device technology). References for some of these methods can be found in the Bibliography for this chapter.


Electron Diffraction

The dual wave-particle nature of electrons is expressed by the de Broglie relationship for the momentum of an electron, p ¼ mv ¼ h/l, where m is the mass and v the velocity of the electron, and l is the electron wavelength. Substituting for the electron energy, in electronvolts, eV ¼ 0.5 mv2, yields an equation for the nonrelativistic electron wavelength: h l ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2meV


At an accelerating voltage of 100 keV, the electron wavelength is 0.0037 nm, much less than the interplanar spacing in crystals, so that the Bragg angles for electron diffraction are

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 91

always very small when compared with those for X-ray diffraction. That is, the elastic scattering of electrons occurs at very small angles. Electron diffraction is, as we shall see, both a major source of contrast in thin film electron microscopy, and an important analytical tool in its own right. 2.5.1

Wave Properties of Electrons

The de Broglie relationship is not sufficient to define the wavelength of an electron at high energies, since relativistic effects become important at these energies. If the rest mass of the electron is m0, then the relativistic mass is given by m ¼ m0 þ eV=c2, where c is the velocity of electromagnetic radiation (the velocity of light). Substituting in the de Broglie relation and rearranging leads us to the relativistic equation for the wavelength of the electron l in terms of the accelerating voltage V (compare the nonrelativistic equation, above): l¼

h h ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p 2m0 eVð1 þ eV=m0 c2 Þ


The relativistic correction is significant at the accelerating voltages used in transmission electron microscopy, typically 100–400 keV. An electron beam can be focused with the help of electromagnetic lenses, but the focusing mechanism is quite different from that used in the optical microscope which, as we shall see in Chapter 3, relies on the refractive index of glass and geometrical optics to achieve a sharp focus. A magnetic field will deflect any electron which has a component of velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field vector, and the deflecting force acts in a direction that is perpendicular to the plane containing both the velocity and the magnetic field vectors. As a consequence, the electron follows a helical path when passing through a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic field generated by an electromagnetic lens is cylindrically symmetric, and a divergent electron beam passing through such a lens will be brought to a focus, providing the angular divergence is small. We are fortunate that the elastic scattering of electrons is limited to small angles and permits both electron diffraction patterns and electron microscope images to be brought sharply into focus in the electron microscope. Assuming a wavelength of 0.0037 nm (the wavelength associated with 100 keV electrons) and interplanar spacings of the order of 0.2 nm, we expect Bragg scattering angles of less than 1 . At these small angles it is common to quote the Bragg angle in radians and to use the approximation siny y. The Bragg relationship can then be written l ¼ 2dy, and we will use this form of Bragg’s equation to describe the elastic scattering of electrons passing through a thin-film specimen in the transmission electron microscope. Finally, the influence of inelastic scattering is often important, since electrons which have lost some energy by inelastic scattering will have a longer wavelength. In such a case, the electron beam will no longer be monochromatic, and cannot therefore be brought to a sharp focus. The stopping cross-section for electrons s is defined as s ¼ ð1=NÞðdE=dxÞ, where N is the number of atoms per unit volume and dE/dx is the rate of energy loss per unit distance travelled by the electrons. As the energy of the electrons is increased (a higher accelerating voltage in the microscope), s decreases, although at very low electron energies the innershell electrons will no longer contribute to inelastic scattering of the incident beam

Microstructural Characterization of Materials I/N (dE/dX) Inelastic scattering cross-section (a.u.)


6 5 4 3 2 1 0 103



Incident electron beam energy (eV)

Figure 2.31

Inelastic scattering cross-section as a function of incident electron beam energy.

and the scattering cross-section will actually decrease. The general shape of the scattering cross-section curve is shown in Figure 2.31. The inelastic scattering cross-section increases with Z, so that higher atomic number materials can only give sharp electron diffraction patterns if the sample is very thin. For a 200 keV incident electron beam, tungsten or gold films thicker than about 100 nm will absorb the incident beam energy and can only give electron diffraction patterns in reflection, when the electron beam is at glancing incidence. The maximum thickness for transmission electron diffraction from steel at 200 kV is of the order of 120 nm, while silicon and aluminium specimens must be less than about 150 nm in thickness. These values are two orders of magnitude less than the maximum sample thickness for a transmission X-ray diffraction experiment. The Limiting Sphere for an Electron Beam. The limiting and reflecting sphere constructions that we have used to analyse X-ray diffraction phenomena in reciprocal space are equally valid for electron diffraction patterns obtained in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), although there are two significant differences. The first concerns the very short wavelength of the electrons when compared with the interplanar spacings in crystals, that is |k0| ¼ |k||g| (Figure 2.32). As a consequence, as noted above, siny y. In Figure 2.32 the reflecting sphere construction has been rotated by 90 , a symbolic nod to the engineering design of the modern electron microscope, in which the beam source (the electron gun) is almost invariably mounted vertically, generating a beam of electrons which penetrates a thin-film specimen mounted in the horizontal plane. This may be compared with the standard design for X-ray diffraction units, in which the X-ray beam is usually generated in the horizontal plane in order to ensure maximum mechanical stability. The second modification concerns the effective size of the reciprocal lattice points in electron diffraction. The elastic scattering cross-section for electrons is much greater than that for X-rays, so that the intensity scattered into the diffracted beam increases rapidly with sample thickness, to the point at which all the energy in the incident beam may be transferred into the diffracted beam and the diffracted beam starts to be rediffracted back into the incident beam (Figure 2.33). As we shall see, this process, termed double

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 93

Figure 2.32 The wave vectors in electron diffraction k are very large when compared with the reciprocal lattice vectors g, allowing for some simple geometrical approximations.

Figure 2.33 Double diffraction of the electron beam leads to diffracted intensities which oscillate with film thickness.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

diffraction, leads to oscillations in the diffracted intensity with increasing specimen thickness. These oscillations have a periodicity t0, the extinction thickness, which is characteristic of the electron energy and the structure factor for the actively diffracting planes: t0 ¼

pVc ljFðhklÞj


where Vc is the volume of the lattice unit cell. Typical values for t0 at the accelerating voltages used in TEM are less than 100 nm. In electron diffraction, this extinction thickness limits the effective size of the reciprocal lattice points in reciprocal space to approximately 1/t0, of the order of 102d (compared with values of 104d or less in X-ray diffraction). An additional ‘small crystallite’ effect may also dominate the Bragg condition in electron diffraction, increasing the size of the reciprocal lattice points even further in very thin films and for very small nanocrystals (see Chapter 4). In electron diffraction both the radius of the reflecting sphere and the size of the reciprocal lattice points are large when compared with the conditions obtained in X-ray diffraction, relaxing the diffracting condition set by Bragg’s law so that several diffracted beams of electrons may be scattered simultaneously from a thin sample that has a symmetry axis in the plane of the film (Figure 2.34). Such multi-beam diffraction would not be possible in an X-ray diffraction experiment. 2.5.2

Ring Patterns, Spot Patterns and Laue Zones

The electron diffraction pattern obtained in transmission from a thin film of a single crystal which is oriented with a major zone axis (a symmetry axis) parallel to the electron beam will contain all the reciprocal lattice points which are intersected by the reflecting sphere. This

Figure 2.34 Since the radius of curvature of the reflecting sphere is large and the reciprocal lattice points have a finite diameter, Bragg diffraction occurs even though the Bragg condition is not exactly satisfied.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 95

Figure 2.35 Single crystal electron diffraction from more than one Laue zone: (a) mechanism of formation; (b) a diffraction pattern from a [100] oriented aluminium single crystal film.

will include all those reciprocal lattice points which surround the 000 spot (which corresponds to the directly transmitted beam), in so far as the (slight) curvature of the reflecting sphere permits them to fulfill the Bragg condition, but the pattern may also include additional points which lie in a layer of the reciprocal lattice above that containing the origin at 000 (Figure 2.35). The innermost set of diffracting reciprocal lattice points is referred to as the zero-order Laue zone, while the subsequent, outer rings of diffracting spots are termed higher order zones. Adequate calibration of the electron microscope enables distances in the diffractogram (the electron diffraction pattern) to be accurately interpreted as distances (angles) in reciprocal space, although there are several sources of calibration error. These include not only the physical limitations of the technique, especially ambiguity associated with the finite diameter of the reciprocal lattice points, but also experimental limitations associated with electromagnetic lens aberrations in the microscope, some inevitable curvature of the thin-film specimen, and the response of the recording medium. In general, it is not possible to specify lattice spacings derived from electron diffraction measurements to much better than 2 % of the lattice parameter. This is at least two orders of magnitude worse than can


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

be achieved by X-ray diffraction. While this is true for standard electron diffraction techniques, usually termed selected area diffraction, an alternative technique, convergent beam electron diffraction, can, for some crystals, be very much more accurate and may even be used to determine localized lattice strains, as well as to solve for the crystal structure. Convergent beam electron diffraction is, however, well beyond the scope of this book and the interested reader should consult the texts by Williams and Carter, or Spence and Zuo, that are listed in the Bibliography for this chapter. The electron beam can also be focused electromagnetically to a fine probe, or small apertures can be used to limit the diameter of a parallel electron beam, enabling selected area diffraction from very small specimen areas, of the order of 20 nm. This volume is a minute fraction of that which can be usefully sampled by X-rays, and can yield phase information on individual crystallites and precipitates in a polycrystalline material. If the area illuminated by the electron beam includes a large number of crystallites, then a powder pattern is generated, analogous to an X-ray powder pattern. In the electron diffraction case the fluorescent screen or recording medium is positioned normal to the incident beam, and records successive rings of reflections from each family of reflecting planes (Figure 2.36). The radius R of a specific ring on the powder pattern is related to the dspacing of the reflection and the wavelength of the electron beam l by the relation: d¼

2lL 2R


where L is the effective camera length of the electron microscope when used as a diffraction camera. Equation (2.37) has been written with a factor of 2 in both the numerator and the denominator, since it is good practice to measure the distances 2R between two diffraction spots hkl and hkl in an electron diffraction pattern, in order to avoid errors associated with determining the position of the directly transmitted 000 beam. The parameter L can be varied in most microscopes, in order to select a value suitable for the lattice parameters of the phases being studied, and good calibration of the microscope should give the term lL, the camera constant of the microscope, with an accuracy of about 1%. 2.5.3

Kikuchi Patterns and Their Interpretation

For moderately thick transmission electron microscope specimens, a proportion of the incident electrons will undergo inelastic scattering. These electrons, having lost some energy, are deflected out of the path of the incident beam to form a diffuse halo around the central spot, but before exiting the specimen the same electrons may also be elastically scattered from the crystal lattice planes. If the specimen is a sufficiently perfect single crystal, this secondary elastic scattering will lead to a characteristic Kikuchi line pattern, which is usually superimposed on the single crystal spot pattern associated with Bragg diffraction of the primary incident beam. The Kikuchi line pattern arises because the diffuse angular distribution of inelastically scattered electrons falls off rapidly with angle, typically obeying an I ¼ I0 cos2 a law, where a is now the inelastic scattering angle. The crystal lattice planes will elastically scatter those diffuse electrons which are incident at the exact Bragg

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 97

Figure 2.36 Powder patterns in electron diffraction: (a) mechanism of generation; (b) a powder ring pattern from tempered carbon steel (indices in red are from a-Fe and indices in black are from Fe3C).


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

angle. Since very little energy is lost in the initial inelastic scattering event, the Bragg angle is effectively unchanged from that for the primary beam. However, more electrons will be elastically scattered away from the distribution of diffusely scattered electrons in the region closer to the incident beam, leading to a dark line in the diffuse scattering pattern close to the centre of the observed diffraction pattern and simultaneously generating a parallel white line at a fixed distance from the dark line, which is determined by the interplanar spacing of the diffracting planes (Figure 2.37). These pairs of dark and light Kikuchi lines are actually sections of hyperbolae, but since the g vectors are so much smaller in magnitude than the electron wave vectors k, they appear on the diffraction pattern as straight lines. From their geometry, the spacing of a dark/light pair of Kikuchi lines projected on the plane of observation is proportional to the value of 2y. Since the Bragg angles in electron diffraction are very small, the line bisecting each pair of Kikuchi lines is an accurate trace of the diffracting planes projected onto the plane of observation. Any displacement of this trace from the centre of the pattern is therefore an accurate measure of the angle which the reflecting lattice planes make with the primary incident beam. The Kikuchi pattern offers a means of calibrating crystal misorientations in the electron microscope extremely accurately. Because of the comparatively large size of the reciprocal lattice points in electron diffraction, spot patterns can only be used to determine crystal orientation to within a few degrees. Note that the Kikuchi pattern is formed by diffraction of the diffusely scattered electrons within the comparatively thick slice of the sample, while the spot pattern is formed by diffraction of the very much more intense beam of parallel primary electrons from those planes whose reciprocal lattice points intersect the reflecting sphere on the zero order or higher order Laue zones. If the dark Kikuchi line passes through the centre 000 spot of the primary beam, then the Bragg condition for that reflecting plane is accurately fulfilled, and the bright Kikuchi line must pass through the centre of the diffraction spot corresponding to that plane. The perpendicular distance from any diffracting spot to the corresponding dark Kikuchi line is therefore an accurate measure of the deviation of the primary beam from the exact Bragg condition for that spot. When the Kikuchi pattern is symmetrically aligned with respect to the incident beam (Figure 2.38), then the incident beam is accurately parallel to a symmetry zone of the crystal, and this zone can usually be readily identified from the Kikuchi pattern. A series of Kikuchi patterns, taken by tilting the specimen about two axes at right angles in the plane of the specimen, can be used to generate a Kikuchi map (Figure 2.39). Since the Kikuchi map accurately reflects the crystal symmetry, it can be used to identify the orientations of any specific grain in the electron microscope, almost by inspection. Kikuchi patterns are often used to align a crystal exactly on a zone axis, or to shift a crystal off a zone axis by any given angle. With the help of a Kikuchi map, you can tilt the crystal in a controlled way from one zoneaxis to another.

Summary The regular arrays of atoms in a crystal scatter short-wavelength radiation elastically (either X-rays, or electrons, or neutrons), at well-defined angles to the incident beam. The

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 99

Angular distribution of diffuse scattered intensity

Bragg diffracting plane

θ θ



Intensity is Bragg scattered to form an excess line at an angle- θ from the projection of the diffracting plane and leave a deficit line at θ

Figure 2.37

Mechanism of formation of Kikuchi line diffraction patterns (see text).


Microstructural Characterization of Materials


(242) (224)


202 220

022 (202)



Figure 2.38 Kikuchi diffraction pattern from a [111] oriented aluminium crystal superimposed on the single crystal spot pattern.

scattering angle and the scattered intensity are functions of the radiation, the wavelength and the crystal structure, and this process is termed diffraction. A diffraction pattern is the angular distribution of the scattered intensity in space, and is recorded by collecting the scattered radiation, for example on a photographic emulsion or charge collection device. A diffraction spectrum is the intensity of the diffracted radiation collected as a function of the scattering angle. Laue showed that the allowed angles of scattering for a single crystal were a simple function of the lattice parameters of the crystal lattice unit cell, and Bragg simplified the scattering relations to yield Bragg’s law, l ¼ 2d siny, relating the angle of scattering 2y to the direction of the incident beam, the spacing d between the planes of atoms in the crystal lattice and the wave length l. of the incident radiation The allowed angles of scattering (the Bragg diffraction angles) always correspond to integer values of the Miller indices, but not all possible combinations of the Miller indices give rise to diffraction peaks, and some reflections (termed forbidden reflections) are disallowed, for example, if the Bravais lattice contains face-centred or body-centred lattice points. The intensities of the diffraction peaks are determined by the atomic number and position of the atoms associated with each lattice point, that is the space group, the Wyckoff positions of the atoms and the atomic species. Thus some ‘allowed’ peaks may be enhanced, if the atoms corresponding to each lattice point are scattering in-phase, while others may be reduced, or even absent if the scattering is out of phase and the interference is destructive.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 101

Figure 2.39 identified.

Kikuchi map of a cubic silicon crystal with the principle reflecting planes

A convenient representation of the angular positions of the allowed diffraction peaks can be given in reciprocal space. The diffracting planes are then represented by points (reciprocal lattice points) whose positions are determined by the reciprocal of the interplanar spacing of the diffracting planes and the direction vector normal to these planes. In reciprocal space the Bragg equation defines a sphere (the reflecting sphere) and any reciprocal lattice point which can be made to intersect the surface of this sphere will give rise to a diffracted beam. Reducing the wavelength of the incident radiation increases the radius of the reflecting sphere, and will allow more reciprocal lattice points that are further from the origin in reciprocal space (corresponding to smaller interplanar spacings), to diffract when the Bragg condition is fulfilled. Rotating the crystal or reducing the grain size in a polycrystal increases the probability that a reciprocal lattice point will intersect the sphere and give rise to diffraction. The volume of the specimen sampled by the incident beam depends on the radiation used. In neutron diffraction, elastic scattering generally occurs over distances of the order of centimetres before energy losses due to inelastic scattering events become significant. However, even very high energy (MeV) electrons will be inelastically scattered if the sample thickness exceeds 1 or 2 mm. X-rays are an intermediate case. Most engineering materials irradiated with X-rays whose wavelengths are of atomic dimensions will generate an elastically scattered signal from a region 20–100 mm in depth. An X-ray diffractometer consists of a source of X-rays, a sample goniometer (which positions the sample accurately in space), a detector and a data recording system. The detector can be rotated about the sample to select the different diffraction angles. For


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

some applications, a photographic emulsion or a position-sensitive detector array may replace the single detector. White X-radiation may also be used, for example to record a diffraction pattern from a single crystal in a Laue camera. Many X-ray diffraction studies are based on the irradiation of a polycrystalline sample which diffracts monochromatic radiation to give a powder diffraction spectrum. In diffraction from a powder specimen, fine grains of any crystalline phase will diffract at the different Bragg angles in a sequence of diffraction cones which are intercepted in turn by the rotating detector. If the crystal grains are not randomly oriented in space, but possess some preferred orientation (crystalline texture), then the diffraction pattern will show intensity anomalies which can be analysed in a texture goniometer, to derive a pole figure that plots the distribution of the intensity diffracted by a particular family of crystal planes with respect to the sample coordinates, or a crystallite orientation distribution function, that plots the probability of finding a crystal having a particular orientation as a function of the Euler angles which describe the grain orientation with respect to the sample coordinates. In many cases, an accurate determination of the diffraction angles recorded in the diffraction pattern is sufficient to deduce the phases which are present and the orientation distribution of the individual crystals. More information can be derived from a measurement of the relative intensities of the diffraction peaks. Each unit cell in a crystal scatters a proportion of the incident beam into each diffraction peak associated with a specific hkl reflection. The structure factor gives the relative scattering power of the different hkl planes in the crystal, and can be calculated from a suitable model of the crystal structure to predict the relative peak intensities diffracted from a random polycrystal. The structure factor is only one of the parameters that determine the relative diffracted intensities, and diffraction analysis must also take into account several other effects: the Lorentz polarization factor, the multiplicity of the reflecting planes, the specimen geometry, the angular dependence of X-ray absorption losses and, at elevated temperatures, the effect of thermal vibration on the diffracted intensities. Electron diffraction differs from X-ray diffraction in many significant respects. First, the electron wavelengths that are of practical importance in an electron microscope are very small when compared with the interplanar spacings in crystals. Also, in electron diffraction the effects of inelastic scattering are pronounced and can lead to the formation of Kikuchi patterns. Useful transmission electron microscope sample thicknesses are always submicrometre. The short wavelengths in the high energy electron beam increases the diameter of the reflection sphere, which becomes very large compared with the spacing of the reciprocal lattice points, while the small volume of the sample region responsible for electron diffraction significantly relaxes the conditions for Bragg diffraction. This latter effect broadens the diffraction peak width and, equivalently, smears the reciprocal lattice points over a region of reciprocal space that is no longer small in comparison with the spacing of the reciprocal lattice points. Despite the comparative diffuseness of the reflecting sphere conditions for electron diffraction, it is still possible to identify accurately the orientation of a sample and to align any given crystal in the electron microscope column by using a Kikuchi line pattern. These patterns are formed by diffraction from the halo of electrons that forms around the primary electron beam in a thick sample as a result of weak inelastic scattering.

Diffraction Analysis of Crystal Structure 103

Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4.

C. Barrett, and T.B. Massalski, (1980) Structure of Metals, Pergamon Press, Oxford. B.D. Cullity, (1956) Elements of X-Ray Diffraction, Addison-Wesley, London. J.B. Cohen, (1966) Diffraction Methods in Materials Science, Macmillan, New York. I.D. Noyan, and J.B. Cohen, (1987) Residual Stress: Measurement by Diffraction and Interpretation, Springer-Verlag, London. 5. D.B. Willions, and C.B. Carter, (1996) Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for materials Science, Plenum Press, London. 6. J.C.H. Spence, and J.M. Zuo, (1992) Electron Microdiffraction, Plenum Press, London.

Worked Examples Let us now use the techniques we have discussed in this chapter for the characterization of our selected materials. We start with a simple example: An automated Bragg–Brentano diffractometer is used to verify the crystal structure of a metal powder and measure its lattice parameters. Armed with a good powder diffraction spectrum from a sample which has been accurately mounted in the diffractometer, we use a literature database, the Joint Committee of Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS, now called the International Centre for Diffraction Data). JCPDS is a database of experimentally observed and calculated diffraction spectra, and lists both d-spacings and relative intensities. These diffraction data can be compared with our measured spectrum in order to identify the phases present in our sample. The JCPDS data come in two formats: 1. Tabulated cards for the different spectra, which can be accessed either from the common names or chemistry of the compounds, or by the d-spacings of the strongest observed reflections. 2. A computerized database which can be accessed using a computer program which automatically compares the major d-spacings derived from a spectrum with those listed in the database. While Tabulated cards for the different spectra still exist in many university libraries, most laboratories now use the computerized database. The X-ray diffraction spectrum of the powder we wish to identify is shown in Figure 2.40. We first generate a table of the d-spacings calculated from the prominent reflections by using Bragg’s law and the known wavelength for CuKa radiation (l ¼ 0.1540598 nm). We input these d-spacings into the computerized JCPDS database, and the output identifies for us the possible phases which best match the experimentally observed d-spacings and their relative intensities. Now we extract the data for each of the selected options from the JCPDS database to compare the standard with the measured values of d-spacing and intensity (since this is a powder sample, texture should not be a problem). The ‘unknown’ powder is nickel (Ni), whose JCPDS card is shown in Figure 2.41. Of course our sample could have contained several different phases, but in such cases additional information is usually available, either as prior knowledge of the phases that might exist, or from the chemical components expected to be present in the material.


Microstructural Characterization of Materials

Figure 2.40

X-ray powder diffraction pattern from an ‘unknown’ sample.

From the same powder diffraction spectrum of Ni powder, we can also determine the exact lattice parameter. Any variations in lattice parameter would indicate either the presence of residual stress (very unlikely in a powder specimen), or a nickel-based alloy that contains one or more alloy additions in solid solution. By careful calibration of the spectrometer, and assuming a linear dependence of the lattice parameter on composition

4-0850 MINOR CORRECTION d 4-0850






I/IS 4-0850






Rad. CuKα λ 1.5405 Filter Ni Cut off Coll. Dia. I/It G.C.Diffractometer d corr.abs? Ref. Swanson and Taige,JC FEL. Reports, NBS Sys. CUBIC a0 3.5238 b0 α β Ref. IBID. ξα 2V Ref.

c0 γ

nαβ D,8.907 mp

dA 2.034 1.762 1.246 1951 1.0624 1.0172 5 S.G.O M - FM3M 0.8810 A C 0.8084 Z 4 0.7880

ξγ Color



100 42 21 20 7 4 14 15

111 200 220 311 222 400 331 420






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